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Show 1 The jouRNAL-ju- Layton Church News 29,1958 iy LAYTON News Overnight camping party Set for fathers and sons page 4jYj Farmington The Friends of or; and Carl i.Music of Fuimington will pre- - in a musical sent Anna Julia Hoyt, mezzo at p.m. Items Writing Axiom present musical program The writer dues the most who gives his reader the most pianist, knowledge, and takes from him Sunday 'The least time. Sydney Smith Fuei.-tne-r, program soprano; Diran Akmujian, ten- Thurston entertained M.iurine Mrs. Joan Elliott of A friend is one who is as jet 'Mr. and Mrs. Durand Barries Phone 1.78 laud when to need Mr. Ud The Carl Baker and of Mr Church is in the midst of a help you and Ft. jing you Layton family, Assembly LaytonJET contest whereby miles are given for either regular atD. Baird and children Dennis, fi in Akron, Ohio. The Barne. T as when you don ot. I.!;ytiin -- An overnight camping party fur I.ayton Stake Stuart W. Knight. tendance; bringing a visitor; or for hours worked on the new fathers' and suns will be hold at Lyman Lake, the I.aytun Maki-Lamp-, Sandra, and Allen, of Big stayed three days, however, A! Baker will he spending church. The congregation is divided into two groups; i.e. Reds on Friday and Saturday, August s and !. Lyman Fake Springs, Texas aie visiting in located in tin- Lima mountains about 20 miles northeast 1tah for a period, ns re time in Utah at Bountiful.! Hast thou a friend, and fur-t- vs. Blues. At present the Blues are several miles ahead. The he grateful? Mrs. Thornley Taylor, Mrs. fittest contest terminates in two weeks and the Reds are definitely of Minor Lake. dividing their time They a Marv Baker Eddy. trying tu win. net wet n Mrs. Build s parents, J' rv Crowley, Jr., and Mrs. Outdoor spelts to lie happily anticipated are swimming Mr. and Mis. Harvey Day of 1: n Newman, had dinner al water skiing, fishing and hiking. A Fig fish contest for each on Wcd-Ruland l.t Bairds moth- - tu of the three groups m the Aaronie Priesthood will also add ti hy tht Baud, ::.7H E. u day evening. July TI. the fun. The Friday evening meal will he furni-he- d t. Col. and Mrs. Jerry Crow termination of Layton Stake. Frie-thuJr. and daughter Julieanne rave he will at- - I' Falph Dibble. chairman of the Stake Aaronie Dm hi' for their home in El I'aso, command Penneys proves you get committee, would like to encourage the ward groups to conn Texas on after a Monday as early as desired, i.e., one or two of the Priesthood are going ,t Sherman. Texas. you save more Mls7. Mrs Les Mockli's sister, M rsj '""Mths visit up earlier in the week with some leaving on Tuesday, August Mr' n l' S viva n Call and family from, A 'ahel rvensun, West Lay- Twin Falls, Idaho spent J uly in the of first Winner place and 21th at the Mockli j"11J; Red Cross Swimming Instrucand Mrs. Irvin Newman E. Gentile. Janet Mr. i tor's race at Lagoon was hoine, spi daughter Mary Margaret Layton According to Mrs. I). J. Cutler, Stake Primary Catherine Wilcox, daughter '('all, age lb, who had been ai: Layton for In days blended the Peterson reunion president, the annual Primary birthday service will he held of Mr. and Mrs. George B. visiting Mantua on Sunday after- home with her par-'11- 'returned at all Layton wards on Sunday evening, August .'id. Loth ilcox. Layton. ent s, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Call, children and adult leaders in the Primary departments will be Mr. and .Mrs. LeGrande Sim-- , Union the participating. Recommending n.oiis and daughter Lesa, Lt'.i theme "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" The stake-wid- e mode the as Pacific Railway P.obara. spent five days in will he used to acquaint the parents with the Primary program for vacation travel were Mr. visiting Mrs. Simmons' in order that they may knew and appreciate what is being and Mis. Jay Yates, sity E. pau-ntsMr. and Mrs. Ned taught and will be aide to augment in the home the teaching (ientile. who found their soLAYTON Okdberry. Get More? Because you always get only first quality at Penney their child receives in Primary. New Orleans "most in journ Mr. and Mrs. Evinglon Beck-Nielson Boy their While par- man and Save More? Our famous low prices bring only the best. Intriguing". STORE Mrs. Mr. and Tamara. Kaysville in Louisiana the Fun-da-l- ay Merritt Nielson aie rejoicing ents were Yerdeland Bark, last; spent over the ai rival of a son hornj boys, Chip, Kevin, and Bruce, in weekend in Vernal to see her carefree days Thursday, July IT. at the Dee, pent their U grandfather, who was bb on u )., ..I their y held Wed he will Layton The First Ward .July 2 s. hospital weighing- 7 pound. This nesday evening, July .'!(, at ti p.m. at Layton's new bowery. is their lifth child. Mr. and Mrs. Bolden Sill, 287 Mrs. Rhea Weber, counsel of the First Ward hoys activities, Mi. Kate McCann, Augusta, South Main, added an eighth will he assisted by Mrs. Neve guide teacher, and Montana, is the proud grandchild to the family July l!l. The Mrs. Lola Lucas, Trekker teacher. mother and Wallace Nielson, new one weighed' ID lbs. She Kanosh, is the pleased grandwill he named Emma Grace, father. grandparents ar Mr. and ( harle.s Sill of r.ayton and Scoflield Cirl Layton The Walther Leaguers will have a progressive and Mrs. L. R. Hare, Clair-n- . s dinner next Saturday, August 2nd at ti p.m. The Kaysville -- - Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. F. Bititer. Pennsylvania. will have their appetizer at the home of Major Morey Jeffrey, Ruben Bennett are proud over Mis, W. S. Owens Making a home for the next t'.T North Toil East, Kaysville. Salad will he served in Layton the arrival of their second s the at f ur months in Duchesne, Visiting a lew (lav born art at Wendell Porter's residence. 77b Coates. Next they will grandchild, a duughtel Mrs. V. R. Rud-- home of Dr. and Franklin Knowlton family, proceed to the Fritz Aafors in Sunset for the main course July o, to Mr. and Mrs. . Dr. Kellv's par-Gwere Kelly South Whitesides. Mr. il d Scoflield at the St. Belleand finally dessert will he served in Roy at the home of MiL. Kelly Knowlton is euts, Mr. and Mis weighing doing construction! hospital, ami Mrs. Ken Fahnke. (lames will be played at each home jdict's now who are vvurk with the F. R. Knowlton! Helper, Ftah, pounds II ounce-- . Ot her pleas-''- ! hours. Teen-ager- s and the dinner is expected to last about Canada with uth-fu- r and Son Constructiun-Contrae- enroute t expected to participate are: Vae Williams, Larry Jeffery, ed grandparents are Mr. and ' 'dative va- tor a (o. who are building a; Wanda Porter, Sharon Andersen. Sandra and Dennis Faneuf. Mis. Maurice Scoffndd, Layton. eat ion. bridge there. Linda Thomson, Karen and Elton Brooks, Rruce and Bill Frank. Stewart Girl On W ednesdav , July 20th, Returning from a Corky Nath, Joan Aarfor, Bill Boone, Pat Kleitches, David tour Mr. and Mrs. Juhu'Mr. V. R. Kelly and Mrs. R Kaysville of Louisiana are Mr. and Mr.-Fahnke. Reverend and Mrs. Bolster will accompany the group. Stcvvai t are proudly announcing (' Bit net will attend the,: open-thlift Wood, :;:s North Fort arrival of their second' 'mg party for the 7s..-born July lit, at the son of the Weber County Medi- Lane, and Mr. and Mrs. Yirgii early-bir- d Dee Hospital. She weighed eight cal Association Auxiliary at the ""borough, former residents ( Louisa na. Breakfast of the First Ward pounds and has a brother. summer of home They stayed in Layton The Early-Bir- d of Dr. Fan-iBlazers was held at ! oclock, Tuesday morning, July 2'.', at Dance, and sister, Ann, at home Bastrop, Louisiana, with Mr. Weber Swimming Canyon. Yorbornughs parents, Mr. and the Wheel in Weber Canyon, llotcakes and syrup were furn- To welcome her. Pleased grand- and a picnic lunch are on the Mr- -, ished by the teachers. The hoys made their own breakfast parents are Mr. and Mrs. I.e cntcrta.nment irgil T. orborough. list. Twin stoves which they had made in class. Accom- ('onto Stewart and Mr. and .Mrs. During the trip they visited on gallon-caof Janet (laughter Stromherg, .New Protect your mattress. Orleans ami Monroe, where panying the boys were Mrs. Carina Farr, Stake leader of the Rapheal Cottrell of Salt Bake. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin' Strom In ..ithey saw many friends. Trekkers and Mrs. Rhea Weber, substitute Blazer teacher. Hansen Boy Snug fitting, San for beig. Nancy Adams, daughter it on Rouge of interest ized cloth skirt, elastic Syracuse Mi. and Mrs. Rim--e- l of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, many cannons, letters Hansen aie boasting over and Becky Scnffield. daugh-- . Relief NATION-WID- E Pleached filling MUSLINS coin edge. had written and graves o! the anival of a baby boy, born ter of Mi and Mrs. Morris ( ivil mat in is a won't The the midst of War soldiers who Layton had Assembly of (lod Church through July lb, at the Dee hospital, Scuf field, Fole-if ., 55 LOWEST PRICE spent i davs in ht a,,d ,lleJ iUlli w''e reorganized with the election of Mrs. Lyman Sparks, president; weighing 7 pounds a ounces. ville as machine washings. guests of Janet Strom- -' Mrs. Paul Redmond, first counselor; Mrs. Frank Neilson, sec- This is the their fifth child. grandmother, Mrs. Judd. ond counselor, and Mrs. (irant Mecham, secretary. For price, for quality Outgoing Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. bergs While awaiting completion of! officers were Mrs. Ezra Harris, president; Mrs. Lloyd Weaver, lyde . Hansen, Syracuse; t hei m,w h(Mm. in Hogran, Air. cant do Better. Top nn'ls first counselor; Mrs. Myrtle Robins, second counselor; and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson and Mrs. Helen Cleveland, secretary. Clearfield make Penney 's sheets to at the home family are gue.-t- s of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. rigid specifications: miniMrs. Jackson is the former mum sizing, extra strong 72 hy 108 inc flat Bonnie Jean Harris, sister of or sanforized filted Jack-suMrs. John Adams. Mr. bottom. selvages, tinest cotton. has recently accepted the position of instructor at the Ftah State University at LoJ. C. Anthon, b Layton gan. South Fort Fane, has heel: Mrs. Ezra Harris has been named Layton Jaycee of the visiting m Tremonton with her Month in recognition of outFronk. Mis. Wayne daughter. ability, seiviee and in Hanscll Height.-- , standing and al.--o t y Ntv2 d V' V rendered durfor the past two weeks. She accomplishment the month of June. ing .(turned home Sunday. As member of Layton's JunMr. and Mrs. Spencer Harris ior Chamber of Commerce for in two American days spent Idaho on a the past two years, Air. Anthon Falls and Pre-tofirst served as treasurer of the e a s u r e combined chili in and at the present t rip. time is vice president of the ():i Sunday, July 27, Mr. and dull. Mrs. John Adams entertained MODE FOI! H)l It dinner party guests. Mr. and DOLLAR TOWEL Mrs. Aithur 1). Jackson and hath tow els family of Logan, and Mr-- . 2 for Chine Harris. Diane Fisher, daughter of or -r, b towels face Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mrs. Arthur Jackson of LoLa Von J for Love, Dawson. and gan will entertain for the birthor daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen day son of her at Clyde Lagoon w ushrlot hs Love, E. Layton, left Sunday, 2,1. will be Mrs. 11. Clyde (i tor J u y '27, for Pi'uvo where they July is a daughter of Mrs. will spend two weeks, attending Jackson For fashion, for money Chloe Harris. the Summer Music Clinic at Llorance Ann, Finely n. Teddy, you cant heat Pen-nev- s Brigham Young University. chilMr. and Mrs. Bower Wort hen Ryan, and Eugene Harris, top quality Gan.Mr. and Mrs. Edison of dren of and family, former Multi - striped, nons. Harris, were campers up Ogden Lav ton, accompanied hy Mr with (i gold accented Mr. and Canyon at Rediock Cliff last Worthen's parent-- . where the', night, stripes. Deep Mrs. Jack Worthen of Salt Lake Thursday went fishing. sel- strong (Tty, were Sunday visitors in I.amont Dee Harris, son ol the Mr. They attended Layton. and Mrs. Spencer Hams, Filst Ward Sacrament seiviee lias been culled on a three-vea- r jiiTwz.v.v.tf. and visited several friends. Ml. LDS n to Japan. He will Bower Worthen and family will home in OUR WIDE ARRAY lie leaving soon for England go into the mission Fake Sept, s over-ea- s as- Salt to fulfill a $5 BLANKET VALUES signment. Mr. and Mrs. LaAell GalloBYU Choose from this top qualway, former lesidents of I. now living in Salt Fake Includes ity assortment! Uity. visited friends in Layton on Sunday. They also attended DOG 10M Orion rayon, Students from Central Davis the First Ward Sad anient serBonnie a Blanket, Junior High school in Layton Bright vice. This week, Mr. and Mrs. who are attending the music a dainty florBlanket, plaid Each Duard Woffinden ami children festival at BYU this week (July al or a Rose-ins g to plaid pair blanket. August !) include from Eureka, Utah, are visit- - -Lowe, Small, Michael Mr. Woffindens parents, mary . . . Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest Woffin- - Tamra Whitesides, Beth Slade, LaYon Love, Diane Fisher, Ste- den, South Fort Lane. Let Susan Allen, Stewart, .Mrs. Eva Wiggill and grand- - ven Michael and Barbara Fowler Miss Diana Roach, daughter, Lane, recently re- - Uavis. They will receive in- FLOUR SQUARE turned from a week's vacation struetion in hand, orchestra v ( oncerts in Yellowstone Park. They were fln! chorus. of accompanied by Mrs. Lillian held Friday and Saturday, A real opportunity to stock up 30x30 inches (H It AUTOMATIC Cheney, Mrs. Thelma Rand.- - There will also he planned ree- for Cnhemmed in White Only reation. and Ellen Henderson. A SlTEItH .Mr. and Mrs. Gale Anderson, IJLANKET and Judy, 77b Kingston, DAVIS WEATHER by Linda Maltin.-en-. pent a week camping and Max Min Alcan Prec sight-seein- g at Bryce, Zion, and no Gland Canyons. They returned home on Sunday, July 27. tu; Single Control BETTER QUALITY 7 Spending July 21th at so Its Penney Cave in American Fork Co. vs 7b. 7 COTTON :.s you are sure of qualm; Canyon were Mr. and Airs. Fred J. Hanson and family, s)7 Elm. Mi t;n resistant cottons, broadcloths, perity ! You get a smart Crease Max 7.2. i. Mean of Returning home on Sunday Bedside control decales, plus novelty cottons. evening were Bishop and Airs. ljn. bl.71 M can of week 7 1.7. cirheating pendable a Yard and David E. .Adams and family, Weather news courtesy of & and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Randall Alden P.laine of the Wasatch cuit, Itayon, acetate, and family after four days Research Center of the cotton Blanket, nylon Forest and Range Ex- camping and fishing in Yellovv- Binding. Colors! Tone Park. perimental Station at Farming- On July 18, PJ and 20. Mr- - ton. By rt two-wee- i God Assembly contest o k I ' I oi in... more..( ? Primary birthday event ; i PENNEYS WHITE GOODS 111 Births Go-he- , 1 set First Ward i. Fun-Da-La- Mom-ham- I 1 , Progressive dinner for Lutherans teen-ager- v 7- J1-.- . two-wee- k v I breakfast Blazers hold n Reorganize Layton 7th -- Society SINCE S! .47 J. C. flnthon Jaycee Of the month n, I in Laytona Fi.-hc- : TOP t.- QUALITY BUSINESS CARDS mi.-sio- SHOP OF Attractive, Yet Dignified Handsome business calling cards, printed, engraved or fine quality simulated engraved, introduce you with dignity and provide a useful reminder long after you've gone. us show you our attractive samples one and two color business cards! ay-to- Attending Music meet s5 Ro.-ewo- TOWELS 5 $1.00 si 2.77 -- Tim-panog- PIECE GOODS 14 So. Main Kaysville 30c Inter-mountai- n 43c |