Show GATHERED WISDOM many stony a man could bide bids hie his light under a thimble tact does do not remove all 11 it sidesteps thom ahm out but a crooked politician usually ad vacates the straight ticket it I 1 a woman diamonds are paste she h may not have abi th dough the crop of 0 fools Is li l lt i governed by the law of supply and damand A vain woman would rather bear hear her praised than her tir vir bues being married to a strenuous wom an prevents a man from living the cimpi simpi elm pi i life probably more men would retire to thelt closet to pray if it tho the family eton didra dida t take up so much room tell the average man a joke and be he will say that reminds mo me then bell get busy and have to its ten and it serves you right |