Show LID 11 WAGON VISIT londay and tuesday of this about a dozen employed emp loyes and s of te e consolidated wagon ichino ct company met in price 0 days wai ident pent in confer in a relation to the companas comp anys e manager V W F oleon olson of trie de branch brinch was looking after cifare of tho the visitors and a ye a session was held in the n ball hall luncheon and a bin ane ng served at the mathis ho r on among those in ata ate from the salt lake house branches throughout east ah h were george T odell D wells moses C davis iii cluff S 5 J seal of the lional harvester cOm company rany R durt burt of the john booro ny y clarence johnson rouser antone rebble St vernal C castle dale date george oviatt and nd 13 L farnsworth moab Lybe Ly bertte etts |