Show IDLE MUSINGS fames laurel laure wreath fit fits mighty to few heads many a barefaced bare faced 11 ilo la to old enough to have whiskers A dollier will go to further if you mall mail it ban if it you bet it noman la Is only the weaker teasel vessel before she he ie is manned some people can t take anything ee so riou riot aly ialy not even a joke the fellow who he eata cats with nil his knife will cut his hi beat friend that old adage about the new now broom is rather a aw coping assertion some people break into song AS to though ere comm luice a bur glary lary g nith alth all hie his fault faults the devil never puts ob oft till tomorrow what he can do today it 1 Is natural to respect gray hairs especially if it we happen to be bald air dehes all women are riddles ts and the plainer they are the more readily men give them up when a woman oman la Is clothed with au she he thinks moct in oat of bow how it hould should be trimmed marriage la Is apt to prove to a man that a girls girl a golden tresses aro are after all just plain ordinary red hair when a man wears the neckties his wife buys him he be Is either very much touch in love with her bar or be jul jual joean t care how he looks |