OCR Text |
Show JUMBLE THAT SCRAMBLED WORD Game v4| B ® by Henri Amold and Mike Argirion Srecrrbte these four Jumbles, one letter to each four ordinary ® . ry : a word| and he home Auto Parts Counter |_Gataocsatana ® | 1555 Traine Neaa Sewcen E . 100—Heip Wanted | a Wanted —100—Help Wanted Monday,y June 12, . 199: iS The Salt Lake Tribune e [7 TECNICA| COREN Se a earsvigor iveseni ae youd Ww D {sims TO TE]D loco ‘enelis brrma fe each aOraees CROSS OR JO|N/A) pele Cee ee { 1 RBMBOTHTAIRIA { || erceenwm Fore. "2%/ BIG A AUTO PARTS See Soloma gost to Spe34 No Of the. brave CENAP : |_100—Help Wanted AMBITIOUS#2¢2 | te if ox wos caos hacsetoct arame scary win heen We. "| Meebowant yer cernate AMUSEMENT PARK POSITIONS "Col 978.9054 for ine ETcommercial expen oe PY THOMAS JOSEPH Se rata Goon wan ie Goodbenelis265.3904 Soe feRae AChOSS DOWN sesesresetanans roof of ately eeoet ee CARPENTER- PO PARIS | mntowonve Lomgeengine remanutocturer TeeO sra. ese THE oe ae PARK ene nN Nowarrange the cifcled letters to APPRAISALRANEE/REALEINE form the surprise answer, as sug9.3atonal gested bythe above cartoon. Trndea wriid bord Werenouclswl ofr eric ta ARTISTS ‘ (Answers tomorrow) Saturday's Jombles: WRATH RODEO LICHEN NESTLE wer: Degree at orenene) HEAD OVER HEELS 2 Each page has two sets of uzzles ands0880-4350, cartoon riddles. Send $4.09 (incl, Pestine sel hepsieitorbon “5, Chicago, Inciuse your name, address and zip code and make check payable ia PeaJan * JuzSesanTels any fo ioss Ss | J ** 576-1016 ** THE PACE, 5968724 * SING Les Ro)Gap TEST PHONETALK | PEACH BOYS "263-9640,4668246 oe toe yssoadee, RZICKES30, {stbose, 26 Distress yellow e Best pay ond| eal or 29 Agate bloodstone ee 14 «jot Needed MMEDIATEY Oca DAle OLDER SiC WOM ©© 4-900-737-4122 4 563 1118 plus| _8295/min. NN702-593-0303 WILD! HOT! SIZZLING GIRS) B00Re AON A Teps $3.99/mi Setce con cecive * * Erandbelongove, oe — work Cenlet Dove Redan” |The 24tIvA ation ne Grou ‘of the Utah0 MOLLatALL ons Ve 2 | auger AietiteWitononae ou “AERwe ee ea need | _ GraniteBakery, 467-7291 ropesonic tk sal is. Business accounting degree Sct Mon Tape a footerUtParsee), oa Soe Leove your name,aoe aes in - | 16 | =f ie 9 feo ee 1 == 24 fe55 | P | | | ee 27 |(26 1 = t 34 = ie | | pS For answersto today's crossword, call 1-900-454-7377! 99¢ per minute, touch- tone / rotary . phones. (18+ aonly.) A King. Features service, NYC - DAILY CRYPTOQUOTES — Here’s how to work it: AXYDLBAAXR isLONGFELLOW i One neletter letter stands s ther. In In this S f for another. th sample le A Coss and ond phonephone & address S : aie CRYPTOQUOTES 6-12 Zero Desere is used for the three L's, X for the two O’s, etc, Singleletters. apostrophes, the length and formation of the words are all hints. Each day the code letters are different. Heyon i eee ie 1 4200 South Cat Misct 257-2087 oy onpenenc seated Ps onraly| KERMA ‘ ee | toch ee, ssi0le, Con-| Immed. opening. Job con-| Me Hs take Trane feoClos,POBogS200sal Se $550/up 70.2684. is offulltime managing 2a avid| Beet mene ° eee 5 rae onan, | i ey) — aol 36 Sopping ¢ e 41 Parm ae |g crea parine sia y/Production ‘MNehiodtntnediey, Clean ‘ving record, ae Full, cul|¢ S600 YeorNeersa Retirement © Proconcoup man Bes ae ae Ronee IeceaageorSesot 585-4401 gecko!ie eae| roy hyur adieza WULP om! OSs YLOJING s I JNGL UH 7 Ot “MED GIT . - roars WHEL UL’G Woward dies dremeregrg|Eonestarreneydebemgtnesat AJ OLB IHWU J XQVYSLF UL 7g) acrers ropa an— le ee | fufes of golbokngBeet | “Lateue ‘ieotaiy canes eae Aas! Butterfield | Betareeeeenetel Bs oom See | DVLG i ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ameS 2 ; 2 z WV XHLOLG.—JZVZPFVNG re 4, 281-2290 eee mit Neat ot times: ROB cu.)YOUNG AANDBEAUTIFUL pees 99 /mnin, John ©“relieieateico, ce OISCOUNNSCRUISESBon Sornriies| Weal “300 West AREASCONEOrme AGaeeeommuneaion, Se Secon aN eee ut «in Equal Oppom3 ate TWO,spy poss, Eareaanyin computer Baer network NOH skills Dag | M 4-800-450-7688. ssp pases tals ANTEED wih CLASS 29-0845 | [29 39 Tendon Need Money fora| 40 “Dogone!” ‘Assembly AUTOMan Amaicans Al TelBet Sag | Urea Cate Erne 9) Deseret News Blectronic Component Assembly.OF} seRuict abi Feee Koowledgs and/or expero Manager needed for ROUGE AVON No door noose ’ venee lanes.Respond 0 oreAo ie en4 Saaencnpenactonctpoyen|fecaahpack Guill COD tsBet cr are noaded10 delverEe Tontalzing female lontlng feral Soncey Pape. FUNMALEDANCERS | old 36H) pioneer vi Shaeion aie Soe borg canoumnmet Vacation! | ferineerpWares ae Bp | 37 Overhead oh 25 More gaunt 35 Historic ~ a AUTOVTEC =| SeSoeaatcs ep (avenues). 32 Poti lotion DAHLE MAZDA needs Used Car] Ebliscling fun Seana (oy We pareNo 24 ¥ || Kia sirsa| Greectns| Crooked ta ty} 29 Campus goo area 24Madea9 30 Leg bone to-do 33 Whip 17 31 Ensign's 28 Propeller book 23 Road |. 30 Powder base Ngo cotiiets needed to, _| garnishes 22 School 4 3880 So. a16, (es AMS So Sate ak for: Mi Roberts | are Guolied candidates fous neve schoo pinaADB ot eterlocation | AUTO [Diver % cbs STiS| _APFRMATVE ACTION EMPLOVER TOM’s NCKEIS.GREAT204 ———— =| CONCERTS, SEATS. 8 dale ACCOUNTING) INTERNATIONAL |= AIRFAR NPRSete ieeeeus thsiMSORFaiSait meswceee., ESI | id 27 Martini 20 Cot's kin clums' 1 Germany perch usher 9 Big and st have Gt) The Salt Lake Tribune (Morning) & lished Tol2hinwoxprercad| Res ale ntees Orda curries YS tremens penal lus generous BOnLs| ua SyBARUMND] 264:482| cqggeg—— DEPENDAALEincivduls ALL shis| AUTO/DETALER ie, GREAT Tbantis pactoge NeededInmedcioy Pasonto)pean Privale Dancers, 484.9025 "800-0 ‘ome? pin Mondo Fd Bb Wopeue#7920828 TRAVEL OSCOUNTSon, cute Quoted canes shud op Le Se pie ak of Calfer| npogen al bawaen Bs Meee it B78So.empl + BeautifulPiicleGins Dancer 460-9509 ses reared ack Cy | arcane Sat ake Cy UT ae) sO ie ee pero | 5550. Dinen ace 483.1239 sr inion 2snon Ponast21a pore ArcotReueing ANYTIME fencedoe at fave Cleon ‘aigered rc oesestarfie. be it Hoesepe 9pm. enn OR.bert 1083), Barer? =) eae ae NIKKI 4- icinContomer Sanstechon |Uh ardSoe Couto 15 Circus 19 Related 7 Open = 24 Pale {itt So" Man Ses sotahe | Rojec: HM, AS orton or -— Deseret News(Afternoon) Ete, Tuesday, Sunday) nauie”omy |Sarannscre scree i teal” inTearSwite, Sy PRIVATE DANCERS—AlL OVER Beene 9H. | Gone. argoi Sinarg = s0phs 807nl(3403983209 a seats. pan pean 1.800.462.9076 — see ct the 18 Temple VIPs MW Ee AlT NITIEIR {El 4ists S & Answer Saturday's Dandy’ mom LONGER SHORTTERM Cars tosel Pan oful ime, Apply loflech pir ekca Navies In personAccess Auto 3960 $0, Slate | Lipp allinpotehaltribe ae eee [TAGUNE s NRelpig West <——— Valleys EW SY recerLARGEST | gnalorrer Bane CARRIER manutactures, we're‘ondin need of] — Service Manager, WILLEYCone HONDA JAIL '95-'96 SEASON TICKETS NAMES and ssgoaibssiient HO 1a. 18 i 616 Lamb's ALL POSITIONS $6.00 TO START AZO-SAESMusibecepencabie | es nomea | G88 eave yourrone andes) eee FaGanel = ponfae1B eh,pis \VISA/MC 4-500-288-7363 $200, “LES MS”‘ BEACH BOYS" BOSION = 20 CALL Saiblake GIS FREE DEL OFS BUY/SELL/TRADE 62.00/mi notto bid 5 Inf support —| 17 reminder Battle UIT lO\UlS|EMBNOON/E Yankee 21 Farm Looking for a New Start?) Wooto'she Bow rshBoston ease /V/AMEX/:ron MC 4.9005 | 100—Help Wanted ae Buy-Sell MC/VISA Free Gelivery 4 Choose : 10 AMON! (TI Doodle 22 Hire 23 Lukewarm ee Boelen TOP 2 O} NEME'Litiolr N player city 12 zee Swimming ale Serna erching AUTO sALES aarASBSTOSWonks S294 Sei = A LIER LIE ASE oe No collecting Call 237-2900 or s aki. Cepeuereatnen 055—Tickets HOT Adu Tok 297-4167 3 Texas GUS PAULOS CHEVROLET fecesore 4055. 10 Ste 13 Preasanl Grove. UT ices,Inc. on * "RACHEL ond FRIENDS * * 9 Skylit 10 Nebraska “Gc0hing ruumes orn enpes| Suwi. apenas | CARRERS reas Sven Roser Co : able’ ing To tear eee Pays To Be & Nevo Melaualbetion Saas have ©| MaKe ‘ngwsbape’ no delver your Excellent Banaterode fendrates | * ite | needso" Fal fe “Sot nme __Glaly. 255-8123 JODrWIKINSONACURA “voiternghyfaeriesotis coclsaimcnm How herlove of gymnasticsleft her — DOUBLE JUMBLE 2, Double Jumbie is Jumble fun times two. to Tri ee WIHIO'SITHE RE Icbbies ‘Suenoscouse He fase AUTO Technician THACCY CJ 2 Greek's Beate | pd || pegaeseeaes AWARDSDEFT. NEEDED. Competine wage,Se ncor-||| Senet are’ prec! nsw. “equalSopotuthvemploer 13 Barber's cee thesond ben Ret eae coe tool omecren rye fro shSte | Sekdeam mcs move. See Rod sanGARPETTCLEANERus) IAS a joke MERDIP ~ ic 5 Mideast- ernfruits oae ye Catt Ronor Gary 466-7282 food vst oe"ioso tuneup. d fire‘pus EMS conden $i. onbose Mio/saes ra tong pay, ey seoaheepepe pepe 4 ial, Paid ee | :: IRJEN/O) | ARF Lele! CAIRIDIE CARPENTER Ai Rights Reserved FRADT [Lain c EBERIOM AN AS ABS T vBBa sk) 1 Immedi- 1 Onthe ’ (TRI Reactor Reeser ice | Po ilebs onexpetience, a: s ~ pone . <DP-AT Saturday’s Cryptoquote: THE GREAT RULE IS° HAVE MUCH MORE OR MUCH LESS THAN YOU.— iO souoives ‘oor otroonan. experience preterred,| 2218 So2a es Wasatch Bc. ot 54095, rice 4 Wiel employeOpponnny” CARR ions odes non) om TO) ay Resorts, Travel Mee anna Una ee NS ae tamper Youevn Wary | "peng,Nal For. Alo biveoway gagesraphe” “| NOT TO TALK ABOUT MONEY WITH PEOPLE WHO chalet oe | gi,tomop 41") KA KATHARINE RINE WHITEHORN WHITEHO a ot x (80199729724 ntact 566244 If lunet or Muy | ol vuardian, i fies ang, NEED HELP with Cryptoquotes? Call | eassegoloones Gibson, info."on MouTloeute sizes on ryptoq al 1-900-420-0700) 99 é yieste,HOT, taEE TEA sccoume Jobs!lt Jobs! mere Bang aueaState|Bank icant,| Bolndl eee |_| perminute,touch-tone/rotary phones. (18+ only )A King Features jaro Service, NYC. to Wyoming! a ia spam, occ vc MEETLVE GIRS | Ty ose oe || Cosper Come GPA fim datingdeg "ate23oi ge cmiBoca! A DVISOR © 1995by King Features Syndicate, inc. 1 ntertainers Want cecouniont Spetence.rp Io of Wor Potton vote sip needsNigh Cottenwoodvotes cles se Giseine ee a enere| oo Smears tremors, Por, Matead aeaxiomssence cpa a ah oo | . seeg Wome: Wino fox! matcpomenlCol lseay fot| Bus Soe sre seroaceeleouceth| Geeepetence!seg 100—Help Wanted “400—‘elp Wanted 400—Help Wanted ‘wesmieatee., NOME | th Ow,ope. 3° [Rechnor eyles Sc BAGS SRCATY, | Me oles of erolmert. anon: 1G, BEAUTIANDAWN 9749877 esponcing 1 nese eee 3 Govertscor ; ——| | Call Tracy 484-2435 ACCOUNTING | Sen conicton co.se6ks con es Teees Seeer ee por_ SWINGING SUZTS potlos, egistaion process rata gE EE EN-FORTY * athe! servicesi opportniign Bat0h Fowe | yetaeeageme| Basejoureesin Sa| Jerry SENELAUICKGNC. ory Teor nore, ceson 144 ; WEST 7200 SOUTH: LOOK! heBonencee. fey ee Se anos EMTALAGEML No Experience BOP Rena he | | ospa ‘Asa reminder to al hose faarapoton ry Noeoi ofweg oss progom, paper recommends that A | ate MQstove OOLaware| 36.5098 AsOMOINVE ‘SANDERS Kelly Services | auto sooy weal Teon, | | For Full-Time Rests| sno “ Sr eet noeryEE Fate"eae No Experience, fate te $400-4608277 | A . price hth 50.wo | : NOTICE The help wanted column of this 5 | orca, waar We every ierview The wotd! empoythent ageriy wil ‘apped! in any job offer tahed by ar agency Mecse com 237-2096 # vou | is ony exception OFS HAT Mt newspaper maken evry oh fameocean PEARLJAM ‘ BARRY MANILOW|i poe pallNe Kowal Acute De | hop wore? oowerang ‘buts Ticks lokay 1934 Shake # 104 | SiO ABLBTANT able ** 496.4020 ** [tuwe ‘ual te gapeivaled, WOO" Tarr" Mianaal Growiord gosoutin sro a footy atfovm beneMe PEARL JAM | Buy/Sell 467.4119 (res CASES Fa ccparen et Pam Groth so-bosd Ai FG OFT @ FURNITURE FINISHER! eee BY fn penn ase | CABINETS ' Oo e ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE 70 year nationwide industry Socios in the health care service industry. Weoffer: {i'r noleed foo pts: ok derma be Sree een © Expense paid 3 hows vita @ AN Suncang pe xoge including heal Paanidisability and life insurat Morcoy troughHg ® Merit Promotions Applicant must be bondabie, sports-minded and of legal age. swATEATONS, Seeptutsnae CoalKim Nelson Monday “a+32thru Thurs. 6/45 9:00 to 5:00 =|beeen neon Tam-b30 pm, ‘beced ASAP 10600 South 4300 East MainePadusSip : ° boo geerrgmoneerie 900 Fost. Brag 2 Temporary Services wotwononmaem §7)nCOLLECTOR ot up fo $1800/mo. com Ful of pat time, fe se. Wil WO, 272-5623 ( Bi pen he hog |. 0on # 5718P | etywer we we sate #240 2660290 Munay tata 500050 #208 RS Hie Chemistry Technician 1246 East Bichyra STATING SERVICES Sim Okson Gos 298-342" Bounty SB PEry neasm i 401 eee s | Wet youslootingor acre 1 se0n0NO Ke D,Pays ¥ COUECTIONS. Professional ¥ office looking 2 for parttime. individual RSE SE128-2408 to Bea 4Newsearrier . @ Make newspaperdelivery your family business il @ Earn money while isi exercising ; © retired Extra income for the i © Routes available @ No collecting i CHILD Care Center Director train Bot plement Cumouium strong NCSA cake rantwagerath oe 30 coe! shop srtlesen kameyma” ousrtae Qelivery ond shop | {700$525SOUOOMBIE 557810 81 s yyy CATES aan cy aavancoment| “HAh 2,5 Fbscomingpov olurfogr ies sre and lable sow.iyeos __ bay. Auto Pars Counter Special career opportunity. ret ss Break fs and for TaMame” ASHER TACO C SORE COTTONWOOD Mi Epenence Benue BIG A AUTOPARTS | caeee ee — | CABINET Romana) | Pots ios Cou =| ee Needed tterty pod. ramen TS ck eeate? oo nalete Sera Ga fering Sate condtenaln Cataesome | KarenRaat = Job offers that misload have ro piace n ReseConan Job offer: fyough commercia yoru SoestcsNtaaliereecoung wercce cs S630. Lage. you woorenos. oo ° name Cat Gove ofLops!Hoteogorex. ba-2680 cal LAYERS ism. soun 2000 430 East fo CK Joumeyman 2853981onvy, SIC "| 0 7000 Sou Rand S822 Weasao; uh be: Cralist, No exper 1 wal. Raphot 3796 W. ). ‘984 $0,700 Bani eo 9549 SouthSica Stet Capen i |x| YoonemenonceS720 | IR er #0a0 ounSa Hac emis jorting for nt trong Tomorde, 2 years exper in MASSAGE 552-3047 Socey, Bours Lic. 42768084704 ont 181 THE SPEC $90.et Uc Prk A Teva TAANOING TOUCH MARY simpy te bee sao# 1078 | & Si AUTOMOTIVE Q-LUBE iyNowoocering au swan nyad onakitM260-7228 22: AUTO DETAILER " mn SUARIING $25,000 orSeeksyo: apo | ‘AnIntemational com. has inne tailor ond riomahon intsoovetung 800-505-100" en 7086 cal | Pus os Hib amie wrteyOa Iron, HK Sariseagn| BRICK LAYERS-Joumneyien only Bors Peron need) $20/n 17. “8 fed cpehes feat ore ot a rd Pertoct 185751090 oa feuee (GaEool237-205fame, Fulme, mst Be ble ‘ogdress ond phone 4 9 6 2308) Detyar ne Soll.oke Itne,savas =or BOOKEEPER ue llySelect® || Seaseiet KellySelect fay eee letes a ua STOR SMOKING oxe weigh Block FrPNOSIS! Uraue, tam 0s ADMINISTRATIVE~ ASSISTANT-prot | Dive con overucton A fuveating tecorded m oe foogortp Sis ¥0 plus on ex Be, and up FOR Fol People Oniy-Unique proven ‘een ‘appearing in hwo tons Perec! 8.4 SO PRR | Nee % Scory ange, SLOObS%500pls saenogereat bresaas un may be plooad by companies Crean | in he business of proviaweree “FALTERS, soe WV, ic that inter ‘Googe, Ut 84776 | Meme fencneck peaot 8 paneer roct c | “erhas Meters cycolon! benef, ADMINISTRATIVE with the employer or his | ‘agent fin pursull of ery || $400 gotty Ci ey : position iton workin working | Bebone , in 96 ree coos Sa cl hea servi ne veove 3 shifts available Begin working ” immediate Calli Caner Sentces nc Your one Hop1 soaces aeons Newsouteaten BIG EVENT TICKET SALES | eggrel 7700 te 3400,Soul Veryv.00 | The 'an ety Neve! postonnto POmTIonn is NeCRO ON| fhe .somobhe S28 es neroomnoy aedang ttRowe)bone org!) schepty Con Taba rt Cot Glen RE2fanana Or Wocherect TR | sy act |_ NOTICE e Oe Seesence| i 8am | roceswayPOD Spm ond moyMon-trgay go penfone tic or eveSP 978 health ond dental insurance aval " mininum expe ‘Corer ercte you aalte ond worsen paneereeepee, Can a Eee Coat 56208 WP Gleam IDOE Kelly today! _Syeans expe. own tools. 487.9978 a BOOKKEEPER Sar Ba” Bia | ih postionand be wing io par) % OANCERS EARN IgPRIVATE ted auton apt $2? No 300 i West 19:am 0 f'pm Monday HELP WANTED soieeas Boman13 Assisiant| 3 eestoriedcm fgg Goming phereMicrosc ine, calplter| exbePo Cow DEA yt MisiBODY GOOD YEAR AUTO TECH covoton Self-Help a name, ocdress | Empnasis on frame Ockopet in LOT TECHNICIAN FaunSine fotove) _ Ogden. AS orLane §-7318880. | WamerSuper Ford Sloe curently! if/0h 20os A ADMINISTRATIVE i EARN eee a Reliant‘pleat eke Breve, BAReee Waites,sry "espetals,ex |_ond phoreiada) us Gai tet came iia || Roee ve ox Gave’eta ct 73030" Wes! Kely Services os teamed wh| ilo 500 PERSON Woaced vee in e |— Son Can see7156 Tiss ———, Seo oo rot tuloe Arar 2CO Shans saenaT |B NO gs Samp | a8 Baasona atae| epee oa Seeat health tesoae O10 Good Giver hoarse, Ro se opoy Besenbetwagn 7 Gm ons BE on bonetis| | ‘AUIOMOTVE Ea Oppel Ere | "yas wn ie boyounerrar ASSISTANT S ONAL eee PSYCHIC, Infullive i | tail cept ud beresponsi headed, SABRIC DANCERS To PEON ot ©Eom $2005300/ wk. orion THE MILLION DOWAR SALOON. Work with The Sierra Cusp ona saw PES oahaining, angeCol HOURLY WAGE PLUSTIPS 52475 | con RIMM aus] “ORYdgboron COTES Col oh abtdog *P* ates || cease Beeordpattinepostonak By ohare ext. “isis“Bs ee ; - | Fulprotenes tre postions oval. Experience cs Ampeo Sytem CASHIER ivewagePe PS “gre ang on iSEBMO — Seoys poet he Poking, Must pase So valoresBag ‘LL i | mioWAUne, icome, covered deliverIvoules Ist ee Ga97Ss866 lorope hve oF at Abo person Piemo.|i 12250 Reawood ts a Previous toller or cash handing! LORE. ene cies 14700 gineahaa’ 12| | ROTCOANCeERSY | UMNO Ee a | foes No exper ‘Ay837-4100. _ RUORORSrts, | ENVIRONMENT |assmrmucamr| Cae Mine berasiner en SREEIAD,A cect on Widsmness GOLD ERANnow ane CARRIER EXTRA MONEY! seyrateensatiae 100 CLERICAL ‘Sista oDuGENET Assan!Manone), Mechonc ob7 Irene ee, |iraconmaweriatapccote|| eatte Beg nance. Maniac. Srnaor ual geenbene83 ences berics People Neaded Pea eR te Dancer D a igit ageing | Besor eae rong3 FAAPRESay EATS Ne3tepews ernie9ooTPERIENoxs Pe oneepyt mopar| 484-5975 CALL ONLY IF WEVE MET_| made DI the SR pabishers slime, 485.7207 Prone 562-4328 a UL eee | TRAINING AVAILABLE TEER) feocher need: AURAL SERVICE ADVISOR wo Rony Aen i pennan. SLintemo: | incl 8962228 CARPENTRY how BM 0MIi 1900 soutae abet Mirena espe c on na acetae Baty waihaat poy 4 for $i {Uh Joyprevirar Wa fer for js om yh | ni es * Above Average income * Complete Health Plan * 401K Plan * Excellent Working Conditions ie eal tire ASMUNIUD fo wrod 4 ypor Melbaoh oe ba suas: D CARL TEACHERS. mate location 3998 WOLSTENHOLME KE Gi A oe ras bor yeed pone a 8 | 4595 So. State 263-0202 é 1-300-662-9076 , Redae 0)" ns10% ho%i ak dh‘ PALS J ‘0 apply Call 237-2900 For Appointment - PUAN eee soa laikod SCS coun atin. odeaten SeaBerBs PO CHRD Celore oma Wa In Utah & North Davis Counties & Park City Newspaper Ay ney Corporation TheSalt Cakr Tribune NS Deseret News The Salt Lake Tribune (morning) Deseret News (afternoon) |