Show bor publication COIL I 1 united states land office suit salt lake city utah aug 23 2 1907 S notice is hereby given that clarence it VMS pj of aberdeen county of 0 Ul idabo bw this day nied aled la in this abl domce his application under the pro vialo a s of bertlon SIT heyd Bevi iod abat u tes ta eFM and lot I 1 jm go rep 1 5 S R lake bled Merld d la lap r any and a all ll 11 p persona dersons claiming ader aversely sely tm lauda described or desiring to object or to the eitle thereof to ue file their vita of pro oi otest temi tr ir thi this office on before the jtb tb day of 0 october 1907 othra the application V 1 t lo 10 n m may s y b a allowed 1 lo 10 w d the afa I 1 aar u e e t that h a t t thia h ls n notice 0 tl c e b be e p lo 10 0 period of thirty days in to the Fot faient erv CM cut X published at prino 4 utah L D 11 II t araw first pub aug au set last oct 2 J |