Show adventures OF A BOTTLE set adrift in lake constance und and found by a king recently a burlous incident oc occurred currod at weingarten on tho the shore 0 of lake Cong constance tance an infantry regiment was in i a garlson gar lson there and one oner evening the bandmaster finding time hang heavy on his hand hands strolled rollad st down to the lake in of adventure the first thing ho be saw ft vi ts a bottle and picking it up tip he placed in it a leaf which he had torn from frota bis his pocketbook and on which filch he had bad written a few words rhen ho he barked carked the bottle and throw it into the lake what hg he had written on the leaf waa was a request that anyone who night find the bottle would send him a postal card notly nothing ing him of the tact some days later a postal card beached him and on it were these v in german 1 I found the bottle md comply yath ith your request william 11 II kins king of |