Show WILL HE GET ITT IT r T 1 president 1 marroquin Farr oquin asks aid of for ier er enemies in central america president det marroquin Marroq ulu of the republic of colombia has sent a circular to president zalaya op 0 cabagua caragua car agua asking for hia his moral support in dealing with the present situation altu atlon on the isthmus president zelaya liaa las tele graphed to the presidents dents of all the central american countries proposing to them that they combine with him la a an answer to president marruquin ln the idea has been accepted by tho various executives but it has not yet been decided what form the combined answer shall take president zalaya was recently president Marroq ulna tit bitterest terest enemy openly aiding the colombian liberals in their efforts to overthrow marroquin doii anic tho the last revolution |