Show PLANNED BY FIENDS FIEND mine mins officials meet death as an result of diabolical rit r IVL charles mccormick agn of the vindicator mine and melvin 11 II beck a miner were killed shortly before noon saturday by an explosion in the sixth level of the vindicator mine at cripple creek colo the explosion occurred while superintendent in mccormick and miner beck were in the cago cage they were the only passengers just as tho tb cae cale reacted rea clied the sixth level the explosion occurred occur roil it wrecked the level case cage and abatt at that point and instantly killed both men it Is positively asserted sorted by officers of the vindicator mining con colo pany thit the explosion was by an infernal machine this statement was made otter after a thorough examination bad had been made of the shall shaft the infernal machine containing many pounds of dynamite was placed in fn the sixth level which la Is part of 0 the abandoned workings of the mine within a fv inches ot or the shaft then a loaded revolver was fixed in the ebata willi with its auzle pointing directly toward the infernal machine to the trigger of the ceroli or wag was attached a ir string which was thrown thron across the shaft in such alch a manner that when the cage came down and encountered the he string the revolver would explode the bullet striking the infernal machine pieces of this re colver have been recovered troia frota the bottom of tho the shaft but not a vestige of the In infernal fornal machine can bo be found |