Show WORK FINISHED ON SAUNA SALINA CUTOFF the salt lake re telegram of 3 yesterday ester has tho the following in regard to the salina cutoff the salina cutoff a nille mile branch of the illo rio grande running from salina on the 1 a branch ot of the road to bloche a small station lying eat east of sakna salina in tho tile center of a largo large tract of coal lands owned by tho the utah ruel 1 company was completed I 1 and ho lin thirty inen nien who have been I 1 working on it for the tile past ten days were withdrawn to tosuke take up other work along tho tile line the opinion prevail among railroad inon man not connected with tho the rio 1110 grande lV western estern that it was wa the intention of that company to continue the salina branch across tho the country in an easterly eai terly to make a connection with tho the main line at some point in lit the tile vicinity of green abher tor for tho the supposed purpose of ankin making 9 a more direct line into the great cool coal a and nd iron region of the southern aou thern part of the state A report has been circulated during the past week that the rio grando grande western haa has also wm merced extending its marysvale Marys vale branch froin from that city south in the direction of colar city which iles in tho the buah bush lake valley Valloy and Is lathe the geo goo graphical center of the iron region superintendent young youngs omleto office to day denied that the tile bilna branch would be extended on towards oreen green elver diver for the prevent pree ent at least and bald id that as far as the present plans of the company are concerned concra edi the road is completed it was intimated that perhaps at florae some time in the future the line would bo be built on across to give a direct outlet to the east for the products of the and iron nelda the tile report that workmen had commenced tile the extension of the ua marya tale 1 branch south toward cedar city W t va s also denied the statement was given out however that this work might be cammon commenced ced at any time 09 Eln elnern eln a young nann man employed in the round hocco at helper waa wits caught between the bal building iding naj and an engine last monday and received injuries to hie his back he no was taken to st mark and la Is now being attended with the prospect of n speedy re recovery enverY |