Show rf WIT AND WISDOM DoWum aIco ake a beggar be agar oc your frind friend 4 ife its juard lard to get i on the lupu tation of 61 vars 4 peca pet pie ty fe who n money seldom enjoy ajoy ibe me churn churning itic process x doulk dou get ma it gives tho the other fellow 1 fellow the alj wable advantage 7 yo carrol dia do a all you would like to but like an you sad suffering surfer lag virtue would make the roost 1133 on earth kick you caa cam estimate a man pretty correctly by tho the men whom ho be does cot know it does not do very much food good to lock up tho jug after a fellow la 13 paralyzed dont alno whine about what other people do taut but take care that you do not do worse A little enthusiasm ones onos ol 01 bows and lubricates tho whole mental machinery some folks talks think they must talk all the time t keep their longway from growing rusty e it la in policy to bt h ao agreeable your ybur self that others cannota cannot 1 fall to be agreeable to you when a IL man marries he be has drawn a prize afterward hell holl be blanked if it ho be did 11 tt L N gold and glory without peace la Is nit A man would pay auy price for tot peace if ha he does kick ou oil the alimony clause ls raver lost your nerve or you will lost the whole raco race of bt course a woman has too much and many nerves to miss any that run wald kate thyson marr in san francisco chronicle |