Show BIG DEAL PENDING IN ASP ASPli ALTUM DEPOSITS A deal for ph altum lands in grand count county is pending which it if consummated will result in antho tile building of relining works at or near westwater water on the kio rio grande west ern and the employment of a largo number of men q WO he und works tin tho dial heig progressed to the point whore where the property has boen secured secure a slug syn syndicate dicato formed fornica oud and the first examination of the ground made by a competent export expert the involved are understood to include some forty thousand nd acre acres te to tho north of westwater Wet water a und ard twenty thousand acre acres south et of that point all in tho the book cliff country country and on ither either side stile ot of the rio grande western road iho ilia popes of vernal and their are mentioned as tho the owners of t tho the land laud the syndicate ie Is composed of eastern rn coal oa syndicate mine 0 raters who hare have in TIT view the handdie neof the Itu immense mense blacket vein eins of uta in tho the section named tor for the of combining ic it with crushed coal ID in the manufacture ef of the tile combination contemplating the mix turo of pound or of refined asphalt with one to ton 1 I 1 of oal the product of this combination on is 15 eaid bald to be sueh that no other form forin of fuel begins to compare with it in the percentage reen tage of heat units generated or r in combustion |