Show matire state states land otice salt lake city utah aurit to 10 to whom it may concern notice ie by that hat the a late into of utah line this a it icat no M K of lande lands selected by the befit t tate for the and maintien nee ot of a it school of mines under section 12 S of stathe aba act of cong iss approved j u 1 5 IM the contro embra blood in 1 lid lleta list art rein in 1 a 1 township n his ini claims of reo roe ord rd TH schilon 8 township IS 13 south emge 14 east stilt lt lae gheridian Herl Her dlan idian A coty of said go far am it relates to said subdivisions baa has been tion posted jin in thle th Hollice trice for or in lomeo e I 1 to ireneus leany ymer I 1 mn and by chev u b within air days the date 1 0 of thie this notice under tin 04 r tat ln in of november za axi si j L t 1 D taji protests or contents contests si the claim of the tato to any of the 1111 here 18 bed on the irmund that the ame am more valuable Vali table for mineral than for arnout tural purposes will be and noted for report rel to abo anton U D general lend office at wind failure aoto to protestor or vw con heipt within ippol tho the time will bo to ronld GuM clent evi evidence evid lence enco or the non mineral character of the aid said tracts and the thereof selection beina otherwise free irom from w will ill be recommended for approval rayni HANK ANKI I 1 aar apr UFO A SMITH Hec elvor farat pub an aug 13 last oct ocl |