Show THERE ARE HUNon hundreds HUN DREnS cris of waya ways in which rubber stamps can make mace work easier and more ac curato in every business busine 9 place we have at little book that shows samples of stock stamps that we keep on hand and in addition to those wo we make special stamps to order in a very short time advocate publishing co IT ATTACK or BY 18 AND 1113 MEDY AND 1 A lavia SAI haiku ED JL A short time ago I 1 was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea nod bellevo b I 1 would have if it I 1 had not gotten cotten relief says john J patton a leading citizen et of potion ratton ala A friend recommended chamberlains colic ch cholera otera and diarrhoea remedy I 1 bought a twenty five cent bottlo and utter after taking three doses of it was entirely cured I 1 consider it the best remedy in the world orld for bowel complaints pla ints for sale by all dealers in patent medicines lat G i T CANADA XU 1110 oi 01 any atly other place in search of it homo o 0 A hen 5 oil can get got one for almost a in our own tato state the mammoth eser clr company coin pony offers the best of m ater rights tor for only ten dollars per aero acre askin askina only an initial payment of two dollars dollora down and two dollars ench 3 car thereafter tor for four year it also offers excellent farming farni ing lands for to V 5 per acre on er easy terms and a email small payment down no better opportunity in the auntry ou for home anti homemakers As an tin investment it Is safe and anti auro sure to bring satisfactory returns for particulars ad dives cither elther W D livingston mariti J W Pax trian nahl levi N har mon dilce pi ice utah furnished rooms to rant ace nt co and clean cen centalla tally located call on mrs thomas 11 murphy prim utah through sleeping cars to houston lexas via wichita el ateno and rort 1 worth I 1 lea tem e dener dally daily 9 30 p m via bock rock island s atom stow hicie 11 tor aar ears my wife was troubled with what physicians called I 1 sick of a very character she doctored several eminent physicians and nta at a greit great ex pens only to grow crow worse until ahe was unable to couo do any kit d of or about a ear barago ago she eh began taking ains ston sto nih weli and liver tablet sand and today weighs niom than die she evel did and li lq real well sas mr george wright of new london N R 1 for sale by all dealer dealers in patent medicines a cal just 1 0 t to ki keep beep things fles 4 going and to have summer goods on ri n the move we will continue our CUT PRICE BUSINESS until nothing ing remains in the way of the pall fall goods line now beginning to arrive there are many articles classed as summer goods that are really seasonable at any time of the year we must have room and will make it an inducement for you to visit this store wasatch store tore co 9 SUNNYSIDE UTAH |