Show 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 44 1 1010 I I I W national Nati wank of i the republic SALT LAKE CITY U 8 depository FRANK KNOX president capital paid in 11 A LOWE vie vic Pre eldert derL W WF F ADAMS cashier Ca surplus and directors rauk knox geo goo A lowe love J C lynch 8 IL R milner henry phipps pittsburg bure 0 8 Hol 1101 raea mea stephen harej james A murray of butto butte hon lion thomas kearns t f assouad of fanner farmers and ad Sto camen solicited i HW 1 the senate saloon W hi NICHOLS proprietor FINEST LARGEST AND BEST LINE OP OF old whiskies his kleas brandies alcohol and ancl clears clars spa mal ilven aven to the gallon and five gallon trade on 01 which we make is price e come in and gaet et pric eji which aremia are guaranteed eed to be X i t 0 A z al 10 booney as will be e found he the best la in town to b drink and ad smoke mok fine old kenta kentucky es eastern east and mid salt lake city beers bottled goods t la fact everything destratis del dest ratie in the rc freshment line plenty of lime ilme while the train stops clot for brood your brij battle t 4 0 1 0 i 4 i 04 i 4 4 4 0 4 0 i I I l I KH ih THE OASIS oasle j 1 SALOON HERBERT M MILLBURN proprietor finest line of good whiskies liquors beers and ciders cigars in castle valley jug and trade a specially fool tables aad and all appointment of a aret c m house everybody made welcome I 1 magnolia hall CASTLE CASTLE GATE UTAH line uirl of old whiskies wines and ar goods tha thai i money will buy wept in stock california vine s for y BILbIA HD AND POOL POOI TABLES rA BIRS strangers Suing cr and aad to the great coal camp invited to call 55 fart anil ong nut 81 no auff arg LEE BROS proprietors four horse concord coaches dally daily between Betwee ii price and vernal passenger fire rare from price 1 to venial TARIFF i round trip from price to vrna 9 04 to any distarce along the road io 10 cent cents per mile express AND il matter up to 6 5 pounds 25 cents 5 to 8 pound pounds 40 0 cents 8 to U 11 1 J pounds BO do cent cents over 15 pounds 3 cents per pound A rato of I 1 D CO e ats r is yr por pound from price to vernal or vernal to price on tre tres RATES 1 I 1 CO trulia fruits vegetables fresh diab or oysters oy eter fresh meals meats blattel e cheese cheeze B ea R abot PRICE UTAH 4 0 O IK IS S SALT LAKES 0 THE HE BEST PRICED HOTEL 0 ALL CAIZ LINES S try it the next time you so to ap non S C EWING proprietor headquarters FOR MINING MEN NIEN AND STOCKMEN k rates 2 it any and up 40 5 0 4 1 THE DEPOT restaurant of WARMER WARNER mccall props j in connection with First Class bar the mint SaI saloon opposite R a W depot choice steaks chops CUP fish short orders cooked to your tutt taste vegetables Veye tables game lame and open night and day averyt hing in season your patronage Patrona gC solicited aca i i |