Show ITANO tho the statement that judge parker Is to be tho the democratic presidential can didace with the backing ot of the tho trusta trusts and unlimited money tor for the campaign la is hardly ingenious enough to bo be credited certain professional politicians are antagonistic to the president aa as are also many of the trust interests which have not been pleased with tho the presidents aggressive demands for antitrust anti trust legislation 4 but mr himself could want nothing better than an opposing candidate backed by wall street and whatever punishment the trusts contemplate meting out to tho the president 40 for hie his temerity la in interfering with their operations it ie to evident that they will be careful not to publish their program broadcast to the country with all tho the mirth manifest by mr bryan and leading democrats generally abat the trusts are paying pitying no at tion to tao legislation of the republic can party to control then them still the fiat remains that the dishonest trusts are very much interested ed in this ae legislation gs and do not hesitate to express their opposition to it mr roosebelt Hoos Roose evolt Nelt and the republican party represent the whole people in their efforts to control tha the greed of cheso combines such as tho the beef trust J Pio pont morgan and the baor baer coal combine and while they thoy tor for sake may not openly oppose the administration they will beyond question use the weight of their ditillo millions ns to aid judge parker or any othir man the trust ridden democracy may put out to 4 president roosevelt Koos ovelt il vil though these thase contributions may bo be made under cover |