Show FEED BABIES TO DANCING BEARS dispatches from malaczko Ma IIa laczka near the austrian frontier report the sacrifice of seven or more human lives to koep ko ep up a gypsy tribes menagerie too fro woodcutters nojir ing that a gypsy tribe with eight dancing bears entered the forest where they worked fled fur for safety ono one climbed into the bran branches chos of a tree und concealed himself but the other was as caught by the opala a who immediately removed the beara muzzle allowed them to tear the man to pieces when the body was wits devoured tho the brute brutes were ere muzzled anew and the gypsies made then them do to a dance in which the bears engaged with api ir ent gusto then the party took to HIP road again and the wood cutter slid from the tree and ran to the village where ho be gave the alarm A detachment of horse gen gendarmes darmes nap hap aning to bo be st upping at the inn took up tip the pursuit and caught the within an hour while the men were held one of the bears was shot and portions of human nosh flesh bone ond and hair v re found in his stomach the gen darnes then killed the other roten beara bears and mado tho the same horrifying disco discovery ery thereupon several of the gypsies were taken back oer the route they had traveled and it vas was found that six children ere missing in as many IN hungarian villages through which they hart had passed ono one of tt the c gyl lea has confessed that the band had been in tho the habit of heally chi dren to feyd feed the bears george F B D coiling collins an attorney who has been seriously III of late at alles city 7 mich went into a trance and his relatives supposing him dead siim moiel an undertaker when about to place the remains in a casket onset the undertaker discovered perceptible in of returning life and medi cal aid was summoned the cow now bids fair to re eov vt T |