Show THE WILES OF A WIDOW nar ax walont r t IM tey by bally dally story pub co of course it was iry try fault probably i I 1 was soung we were both young had we ue been older or it at least less callow it would not ec happened dut but haats the use of about its and huts buts it was as aa as it was and am there theres no help tor for it I 1 might as well state plainly ut kt thia this juncture that margery and I 1 were tn in lava or at least we thought we were wo wil had been sweethearts ever since she was in pinafores and I 1 in short pants but at the time it happened I 1 had blossomed blosa omed into creased trousers aad and a downy mustache and carried a cane had become in short quite 4 young man of fashion and wholly dis inclined to be treated as an a kid now margery Al argery was a most aggravating misa miss and mischievous and she is deell declined neil wholly to accept me we in tho the role ol 01 it young gentleman of 0 fashion prefer ing to maintain the old relationship as boy and girl this was as you can cau readily conceive a constant source of annoyance and blim illation to me and I 1 was in no playful mood when margers cousin big and bronzed and 30 and the possessor ot of a long and flow ing black mustache came out to visit family faintly then came a series of odious comparisons done always in blar gerys laughing way and probably not intended to hurt but they did hurt and mortally hat young cub of 20 90 with the first gr ars ath th of down on his upper lip can see we th humor in comparisons with tho flowing mustache of a full grown maul man and when on top of this the sweet heart of your fondest dreams deliberately refuses to accept your invitations and appears places with a big handsome cousin with a piratical mustache a man certainly Is to justified in taking radical measures it was juet just when I 1 was feeling uy wy worst that I 1 met the widow it wae was at a party to which by the way margery bad had refused to accompany me prefer ing to see the look of impotent rage which adorned my face A I 1 stood biting my nails and wishing moet moe heartily that I 1 was somewhere eleo else when glancing across the room I 1 was dazzled by a vision of lovIt ness which fairly drove the blood back upon my iny heart it seemed that I 1 lud had never seen eyet so black and nancy a complexion eo so richly olive lips so red and full and inviting a chin so dainty and a form so alto altogether gettier alluring well I 1 was formally introduced and ani roost most graciously received with the art of a clove cleve woman and a widow she madu mado me feel that I 1 was a most important personage in her eyes and that sue saie liked me I 1 suppose that evening was the happiest I 1 ever knew unless I 1 ex capt the evenings following lowing fal her list flattery was as incense to my spirit wounded aa as it was by conduct immediately I 1 became the devoted slave of the widow she was a few years older than 1 I but the manner in which she looked up to me and deferred to my opinions convinced me that I 1 als really her elder in knowledge of the world and that she was but a clinging vine wholly dependent upon uldon my strength and wisdom within a week I 1 was wholly enslaved I 1 could think of nothing talk of nothing but the widow py by that time I 1 was calling her nellie at her own suggestion delicately conveyed I 1 was ruinously extravagant in flowers dowers and theatres theartres the atres and matters were progressing gress ilig rapidly my ity affair with margery wa war forgotten or gotten or it if remembered it seemed wholly childish inside beside the aery of my new love making and the love making was fill oil so easy 1 I 1 nellie there was none of the so 10 constantly arising in my relations with tho widows plump little band hand see seeded aed so invitingly near to mine at moments when it war was propitious to giva it U a warm squeeze and there were always so many perfect op kostu cities for quite tete and anil thoe ol 01 va i taj t te a e J I 1 tes theft never were I 1 such delightful one ones since the begin alai of time the modest blushes nod rind oaths of the widow nearly brov 6 me 4 distracted with delight I 1 have aus sue pecked since that tho the widow was as not so nodest modest and ingenuous as she he seemed iud and et it seems sacrilege even to sug gest est it I 1 the fenot urn time I 1 kissed her ler it was several weeks after I 1 met her she art ha ben ay iy ing UK and gra clou cloum and I 1 bad had caught of thy the of ot ankle leeping peeping from the daintiest of lingerie which I 1 confess act met me afire she waa was attired that night too tn in a gown that suggested lug every line of her faultless figure and kept my mind filled with oh dont fred you musett mue visions of gathering her in fit my arms As I 1 arose to go I 1 came earns pretty near doing tt it evall started toward ber her but my timidity got the best of me and I 1 I 1 drew back otist then in some unaccountable manner u she tripped and lurched to toward aard me well what could I 1 do but throw out my arms to save her and in an instant I 1 had bad that luscious morsel in my iny arms arins aud whoa when she waa was securely there it all seemed so natural that I 1 squeezed her tight and planted an ardent hiss full on her ripe rive lips her ifer cheeks were aflame and she sho drew several sharp breaths breathe ue ax she shrank from me saying oh dont fred yea I 1 really reilly am afrati of you when you look took like that but I 1 only held her the tighter and rained kisses upon her then she sent me from her telling me that she dared not trust herself with me longer and I 1 went home intoxicated with her beruty and charms ah me that ran before uncle tom died and instead of leaving his mil lions to me as an everybody expected and had been led to expect endowed a college with them and I 1 went to wor work in an insurance office and some tiow circumstances seemed to make it bard hard er to see ses tuu thu widow especially alone and w we gra gradually dally drifted apart and only last week bhe khe married nathaniel sykes ho 60 years old and wurth three millions |