Show MERCHANTS OF OLD MEXICO government controls Cor trola all business Buel nee operations Opera tiona public tho the government of mexico exico eier cleee clues a somewhat nomy what paternal control over tho the doings of ita its merchants merr hante hants eich ech town keeps a register of ot all tilo hous honea in its confines ruil full particulars of the farm or corporation property bow held etc each merchant la to obliged by law to keep at least three booke books namely a book of day bok and ledge writer the dallas news no erasures are permitted the books must be balanced annually and how show all obligations they ther nuiet must show exactly what money the merchant draws cut for hie his private use A penally of not leaa less than 50 nor more than 1300 la Is imposed for failure to keep books lo 10 the mann r prescribed merchants Mer chanta are also required to publish leh through the press tho the class ot business 1 with its essential circum st atan anres cea etc to record in tho the public registry reg letry all document documents which the public la Is interested in to keep strict ans accurate accounts and tu preserve correspondence for ten years whick their business busi 1 nets persons who have been condemned for offenses property including forgery embezzling and conspiracy cannot edgag en engage gag in commerce business failures are rare cot not exceeding ten yearly in the last several years |