Show la T d IT liquor dealers indignant at town T 10 lyn board orders to the marshal respecting respect ng minors Is regarded As spite work when the tova ton n boid bo id mot met eastmon last Mon day night one ottlie to confront the members na a bously sidled petition from dative bual nesi men taxpayers and residents of the town asking for a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures tures of tho the present board together with ith tho the abou amou amount nt of money on hand whon when tho the members men ibera went into office the petition vas us so strong the bonal nell vell ignofo it and anti a copy was mado made by clerk horalek Ho Hor raley filey dundei direction of the board and fur 11 tl TI e ti representative ropi tho the at st ite trient which Is 1 for tile year 1902 1 tell much in detail ns all requested authere but here it la Is nd the tile great moral and rell 0 lous publish is it as a matter of newe news without cost to tho the towa town report ot of receipts and disbursements disburse menta of price town for or tho sear buding din ember 3 31 1 1903 Warrant ft out jani 1003 1 I 0 4 TO Warr juries during ye beir r 1903 2 solo IV total 80 89 warrants Warrant 4 redeem d tb tho e fear year I 1 01 10 cash on hand handeen jim 1 1003 1 5 uel ind during year j ear iv 2 03 cotal revenue fo to year 1002 52 barranti War redeemed darina areat 00 OO flo cah oa on hand veo 3 1 1 U 0 J 1123 lishes as total ANALYSIS ot OF RECE RECEIPTS colle clcil bo 60 tax collected 5 00 list 1 I 1 reut collected V CU I 1 in es ironi from butlo court ji 00 poll tax colleL collected ted in cu cush sh 1745 iab arbol carbo i count 39 so returned a on lam hull liall 14 US A feea and ale ad ud 00 total t 1 80 ANALYSIS OF dents salary 1 60 00 trustees alao OU go toun clerk clerks tm malan ilari 13 ou treasuries rees balaty 1 SO 00 0 00 i asu 00 manaker u of tall s i junry 48 OU 00 deputy laan hitt 14 1400 00 janitor ISO ou n balarr 1 ais vo 00 attorney Attorn oy s teea fees 36 5 oi od t k ire in hall JO street fees 03 93 sl 51 bercen aud sud culverts iii 1 rov 0 00 S quarantine atine ats cemetery cry grounds platt laK and tool rulla JM 62 town exton i 4 40 water and tice as 23 ju of tic 6 go witness 0 01 prisoners jail 1 95 u lamn 0 1 01 1 SO and stu 1176 01 1 1 1 1 water oa on town lot 1 63 53 b birst P on ilch school ODI land pur ament i ch M n 00 27 cb a irs or awn 11 hall all 7 67 7 SO lowi low i hull cuppl lM x djos as total MOt fl to 16 thoro there biere oro but three in embers of i the board present miller bryner Bry norand and frandsen mathis ani fausett being av absent sent during the tile courm ot of tho the broning tt a few left handed ae as it ere were more fired ot at this great moral and religious journal jo urail but ae as tho hido of tho critor la Is thick well oll pasa that up ILI ja th same good spirit la in which th jibes no doubt sere intended the tho Adv is satisfied with getting the statement for tho the information of is ten thousand more or less renders readers iho ho statement as given will bo be commented upon in j later issue issues the bourd tho poll tax hat list and aud substituted C 11 empey and 1 henry rinck aa as judged of on tho the waterworks work which comes up tip for tho the people to ta voto vote on ext saturday Sat in place of the two who ato ait as judge judges tho the marshal wis instructed to poti notify ry the people 0 tho the town ditch io clean kneir wr r alai und autho jw cs or they would be unde to 0 move off err the tile grounds it ie Is claimed tho the drainage from tills this filth boea into the town ditch during the session jones jone i a asked the baird what it desimo done in re reference farence to tho tile liquor ordinance with sp ectal caal reference to the f merit of minor about placa whom in nv are sold the board in ed him to ago that the ordinance r i te is strictly enforced blaco then th tho has hits notified concerned i ith tilo result that pi pa li 14 l i to bo be me 0 o understated to botho man late the eu of the ord hanm would prohibit bit tho the DOY enjoyed bato erthree or three minors who are ag much men means ns jonever joy ever vill b be of ft a living the tile liquor dealers seem to think itis 16 la a way tho the bonici hoa hits of getting bade back at tit them thera for signing tho petition above referred to trustee F frandon randon rand on was named as a trie tabor of or it commett com mitt to secure ft camping ground not far from trout the court house for the use of f freighter provided tho same may bo had at a I 1 reasonable figure tho the board allowed numerous bill discussed discua wd the price of f quarantining und and ulso also tho the matter of teeing the dicenso of merchants and later adjourn joural nl cd |