Show u r 04 I 1 ain 1 innovation in railroad traffic braf fie a 11 IR it the plan plans cc ot ft a new now york inventor pro carried out as forecasted la in the scientific Am american arleane from rom ahiel publication li the th above picture ie is reproduced the th tut last trains to in their flight across the country conn try will take taka on and unload passengers wit without holit even a check in their in much ucal ac as they do mall ba a at rural stations tle characteristic character litle texture torture of 01 th in rallon nution resides in 10 the employee me A t of a number at c addio saddle cars which are taken up and dropped from the tto morlo moving train and through the oc of which passengers paa enger may ell enter or leave a train without interrupt in iti its movement tl TI a railway car care employed are of the muni construction each pach car la Is provided on its root with two ralla rails and the cars run on standard tan darS ralla rails commonly emp employed loyel tbs rails on the root or of the can cars have their end ends projected beyond the ends of 0 the eara turn and grooved latterly ao so that the contina ity of 0 the track formed on the root of the th care wilt will not he be broken on a carve u theae root rail rails serve the pur pose pace of receiving recel ring the saddle CA ex alonsa Alon sl ot of the lalli tails upon which the passenger car runa runs are arranged two rails which receive lower flanged wheels 0 the addle saddle car thee these aux mary track ralla rails do not extend continuously abrou throughout shout tha lent length 0 athe the railroad track hut but ore re 1 only at the station stations at which it la to desfred to load and unload pass passengers engels the aux allary track ralla ralls are each provi ted ltd with raised port portions por tiona lois adja crit to the enda ends toward which the car la is moved and lie the ends of these auxiliary ralla ralls are tapered As the shows the root on the front of the car are tapered downward so 0 o dal phat they will readily enrage under the broad faced wheel wheels one of the saddle can cars la is to be lo placed at each station on the road As A thi train approaches the station the tapered enda ends of the root ralla rails will run under the bend faced appe wheela of the saddle car ciar and und the mad ad die ear car will be lifted off oil the auxiliary ack rails tails aud carried away with the train the saddle car will rill ride conr the top of the train anil and by the tb tiiu it has cot got to the last car will have assumed the momentum of the train th the addle saddle car and train III be b locked hi gether and nil then tao the passengers can pass from one on to the other ka the approaches ap the next sta ta tion the lover wheel wheels ot at the saddle car will engage the raised part ot of the th auxiliary ralle rails aai and the caddie saddle car will III be littie off the train thus permitting the th train to piu pass on and leave 1 the laddie laddle cur car at tir the twloa stAt tt loa when the ladd car in t thus dropped the train im runs into a second saddle car placed on the other end portion portions of the aux auxiliary illary truck rails and tikes takes the ccone second addle saddle ir car up with its kere gero this operation i Is repeated at each stati tatton ox on one laddle saddle car being left at each a station and one out addia saddle ear car be las ing taken up by this arrangement the train mav mave without to through the length ot of the road the this laddie saddle can cars ot of coune course or are provided with barkes to arrest their movement at tle the desired del rel point abare are in doton boston houses la in addition to hotel hotels and lad 58 amily family notile M M 4 A L 1 in y ml f at L 1 |