Show 0 TRADE AT many people 11 und ad to chicago for under tle the mistaken DO no w record that alwy ate a fw tow cente renta ore oyer the vie home geirk merc baDt ants by so doing the great department stores an are hooding flooding the country with catalogues catalog uee of goods chicago which at first boush fluh appear to be a wring over local prices not considering as is the casual custom the wet of instance when we sm an article which coat here tl ja hated listed et chica a stone dollar we at the Mcclus conclusion lou that wf vr will aare TO moa men CT by ending to Butth but thia lais 1 not the ce eam ae as we knor by expert ece that the cost of transportation is 1 very from fifty to one hundred per cent ot of Cht chicago eago priya ft just juat a little thought on this sub I 1 11 vInce you that if you wibb to bo be codr with yours younk ell as e well 10 ab with the home merchant you should at leat least add dd one oa hal half to chic go rop prima ricca then making comparison it As a business bu sineas 1 leaving patriotism and reciprocity en 01 out it of the tho it pay pays to emde at home |