Show HAS LIVE ALBINO CROWS veritable curiosity in 11 roses slon of lat society harrisburg has a new feather in its cap several hundred new feathers might bo be more appropriate for this new mark of particular distinction Is a pure albino crow the only one in the world in captivity so far tar as Is known to state zoologist surface this crow was rec received elved one afternoon recently and proved to be the most interesting object which has ever been exhibited before the naturel 1 history society the rhe bird will remain right here A first impulse was to send it to the zoological gardens at philadelphia but it was later decided to retain it at the division of zoology the albino was sent to the division om cumberland county by D F mc keehan on whose pro arty at mt rock it waa was ahot by a neighbor the wound war under tho the wl wi and while sur surl lent to disable tho the brow crow it la Is healing nicely and the bird will live prof surface pronounces the latest find a complete completo albino its feathers are pure white the beak Is a bight pink and the feet are grayish tinged with pink the irises of the eyes are a brilliant amt t black instead 0 of t the pink common to daiy albinos alb laos hut the normal wN whites ites are pink and so are the lids prof su surface face knows of only one other live albino crow in pennsylvania it is at large in snyder cow cour harrisburg pa cor phila NO north rt american |