Show notice no department of the interior rand office at salt lake city utah april 1 IV 0 2 notice to hereby glyen given that tb the e following named settler 1 tim has tiled notice of hi ahli intention to aka anal proof in support of his hi claim end and that bald proof will be mad before the county count clerk of carbon county utah at pric price utah on may 17 1902 viz vix A wilton II 11 K i 1 t t i i for the ibe N W x a ii L I 1 M u sec 6 vp 16 15 S 1 11 E 8 T at lie dume abbe illnesses 4 to hl continuous residence and cultivation of aid said jond viz scott we attan eugene e ne 1 urance r a b john L vance george II 11 11 Q all 1 1 0 of f N well 1 11 ton utah IC D it 0 cg later 9 arut pub april 10 bast pub may I 1 16 b in the court of the seventh S Sc nth judicial district of 0 the 4 state of utah lair in and for carbon county lena lens bf intine plain tift vs it arry A stine defendant summons the state of utah to the ald defendant nf you are hereby summoned to 11 ar within 10 twenty dara dar after the F earlc ery lety of IMIn upon you it berrel within the county in which thia thin action actton Is brought o 0 other otherwise wie within thirty T days after xerva e and the abaye en titled action ald in chot of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered rend tred Ted au ac conling to the demand of the complaint tiled the therein rela of which a co copy 1 herewith ution upon you M MAUK A my P attorney tor for plaintiff rat addre sm aurbon county utah k art pub april 10 Is lat may 8 |