Show DIED AT AGE OF sallie waters an ex slave waa was young woman at war of 1812 I 1 11 it mm saran or sallie Sal llo waters an old virginia negro woman who went to new orleans with her young imars mara ter tee and mir mistress tress when gen andrew jackan was wan vre preparing pring to whip the british invaders at chalmette died at it her datu daughters daush aters home in that city recently at the very advanced age of at years there can be no dispute about the old woman 8 age sho she was between 25 and 30 years of age when she came to the crescent city just a few fw months before the battle of new orleans sallie was a slavo and was bought and sold several times aunt sallie according to her story was born barn in county virginia her father was a creek indian sue she belonged to the vona vans family of virginia mr vona business carried him to new orleans on more than one occasion the young woman made one of these trips in a wagon with her master and soung mistress it took the party over a month mouth to come from virginia to this city one day after they had been out for a week or so she saw a blue spot on the sun every ona one thought that it was ill III omen they thought the world was coman coming to an end at a place in alabama the party found the ground literally covered with locusts A peculiar thing about the bugs was that each one had a kind kini at 0 letter on its back the young master picked up a number ot at bug bugi and spelled out anilus name lordy exclaimed the darky not knowing what to make of the strange phenomenon the travelers reached new orleans a short time before the battle of new orleans a short time before the battle of new orle origins ins aunt salue sallie was the cook of the party she managed to get about occasionally and on one of her trips saw gen jackson mr vona returned to virginia shortly afterward and took the cook with him mrs alm died and aunt sallie waa was thea then sold to iry fry nun of maryland when her new master died she was stolen with tour four children two boya boys and two girls and brought to new orleans and sold to jack doty she and the chil dren were sent to mr cotys plantation in wilkinson county mississippi where she remained until the close of the civil war the old woman was the mother of about a core of children says a new orleans special to the st louis poat post dispatch thirteen of whom were reared of these three are still living the eldest who la Is between 70 and 76 years being the eighth child the other two children are 53 and ad 49 yea yeara of age respectively the youngest child having having been born when aunt sallie was 63 years old |