Show 4 W j PALESTINE WAKING UP t i ciany signa signs of progress which are due to german gernian writer anter i I 1 prise according to united states consular agent palestine has shown unmistakable signs of progress during the past decade much of which Is to be attributed to german enterprise german colonists merchants and horticulturists says mr harris fare vare awakening that part of tho the levant wt from front a lethargy of a thousand years three years ago ngo a german bonk bank was established in jerusalem with YOM a branch in yata yafa which exchanged 15 in 1901 1901 the 1 aters of the he dead sea where no rudder has been teen seen tor centuries are now being piled by german motor boats A direct line of communication has thus been open ed cd up between jerusalem Jeru balem and kerak tho the ancient capital of the land of moab which still commands the caravan routes leading across the arabian desert there Is no doubt that german enterprise will also exploit the phosphate fields situated on both aides of the jordan when transportation facilities shall have been sufficiently developed to insure success to the undertaking for many years germany has been looking to asia minor and tries adjacent to td palestine a sultana sul taba 0 0 v territories in which to develop ger markets the bagdad railroad which will lead through anatolia in la the headwaters of the rig Is and euphrates to the shores of the persian culf gulf Is an enterprise of vast importance Import ince not only to germany as the promoter and the turkish empire but to the world at large it la Is the greatest commercial and civilizing factor that could he be introduce into wa mis dagion x glon end will tap the rich terri dorfer abich composed ancient meso apart from new avenues of commerce commerse a land jand will be opened up to students zand to arich owing to expense and uns je methods ct of travel has thus far boon beon practically inaccessible iha commerce of palestine today to day flay the a not unimportant ahe products of he country are wheat hay ha y or anges oil wine nuts fige applee nipples or peaches peara pomegranates apricots citrons almonds cucumbers cucumber a le lettuce luan onions wild artichokes and as para gus trefflee flee fles tobacco sesame and silk while potatoes and other euro Euross t sn a and american vegetables are being introduced by german and french colonists |