Show ARTHUR J LEE GOES INTO mercantile NIER CANTILE BUSINESS the general impression in tho the ashley valley id Is that the moffat road when built will aeao leane vernal vern al off the tile main line about fifteen miles to tho the north it lt would not be surprising ingia if tho Vintah railway should extend ita its line from dragon to vernal next year the tha rails of tho the road are now laid to the tile deagon mines since lea leaving ing price arthur J lee substantial lul interest in the general mercantile tile bu business giness of the mercantile company nt at faulta colo the kompany om pany y is soon to open n i store at dragon the present terminus of the uintah rall ballway way and of which mr leo lee la Is to be manager lie ile tg Is also to have charef of ot the mines of the allson asphaltum cem com peny pt ny there |