Show FLOOR DROPPED DOWN ie ne hundred and fifty people call al in I 1 n a heap while right rev thomas D beav en roman catholic bishop of spring field mats ma ts was laying the corner at st polish church here this afternoon a floor collapsed precipitating persona persons into the bi A dozen dozea persona persons were in aured several so seriously bously bishop bea ven and several ise eral of the priests assist ins ing him were slightly hurt the roost most seriously injured grodek akl aged 10 critical miss AINS belle turner less logs fractured rel 0 triggiano Trig gano gane injuries to head and face rev I 1 T rodler contusions rev M F lees legs injured contusion of forehead mrs machrol Ml chrol mcendre Mc Andre Andreq leg fractured right rev thomas D heaven eaven bruised about hands and body alexander injured about head i several others were slightly hurt some 7 persona persons attended the and about were seated or standing on the floor which covered the newly made basement just as the bishop was about to lay the batone a section of the flooring about forty feet squire ire collapsed dropping telo feet and carrying with it the bishop the clergy and about other in tho the confusion that followed many were trampled upon and halt suffocated dishop bishop deaven beaven was caught in the crush but was able to save himself from serious injury lie ile was bruised about tho the body and had his hands scratched |