Show BALTIC FLEET TO SAIL BETTER TO ENCOUNTER JAPS NOW THAN LATER even if it port arthur squadron should be annihilated first announcement la to made that em geror nicholas nic holas will visit reval on tuesday to bid farewell to the baltic squadron after months of preparation and several false fase starts it la Is believed bo that the squadron Is at last on the eve of its departure upon ita its journey A division in the admiralty has ex isted throughout the period of preparation regarding the advisability of sending out the squad squadron ro but with the decision to double the size sizo of the manchurian Manc hurlan army and crebs the war with vigor the logic of those who for months have insisted that every avail able ship should be dispatched to the far east has finally preal prevailed led the argument that no complete victory over the jenese Jb Is possible tible un loss less the command of the sea Is wrested from them could not bo be overcome and though much valuable time has been lost and the moment seems inauspicious it Is officially intimated that an irrevocable decision has las been taken to dispatch the baltic fleet even it if the port arthur squadron should bo be annihilated before ita its arrival there it Is realized that the squadron alch on paper la Is about equal in fighting strength to the japanese fleet will be much better able to encounter the foe too now than next spring after thy the japanese Japa neso ships have had all winter to clean repair and refit while hopes are still entertained atiat port arthur may be able to hold ow until tho the appearance of the baltic leot fleat the question of ebo tall fall of that stronghold does not apparently ent enec r greatly into the calculations of tho admiralty mi ralty the only thing expected of the port arthur squadron equa dron Is to break out nut of 0 the harbor and fullick as much damaia as ros possible sible upon admiral fleet such ships as encao are to make their way to vladivostok where tho the repairs on the cruller bogatyr aro are understood to have been practically completed and those on tho the and Grom are nearing completion com the question of the war in the far cast will depend upon the issue of ot a eoa sea fight after the arrival of the bal tic fleet vladivostok although icebound in winter for commercial ships can easily be kept open for a fleet of war vessels means of le Ice breakers |