Show till 1114 the market as regard regards the product la in whid eastern utah Is U interested ro re rosins steady with price prices practically the arao same as it last week there have been cine some dally daily of bat but little tin pert as to ta tho the chirp hip r heat ilof arm lt 41 ha am ruling ahe 7 he ten tendency doncy to 0 o cattle ami hap bf ho been forward bak with no marked dyance 1 hay 4 grata price alo laic about the same As la in oar our lat report are latent quota IOU on chicago woelber wheat 01 cuttle cattle fewer 14 3 NU to fal bhear 73 to ft 4 CO lambe 1 00 to 1 f heralds Uc oden depart menti ment 1 the edict da nas gone forth that people who enter the federal court room while judge mor bull Is on the tire beach and court is 1 in bell lon jon must be aror properly arly clothed dot beil who their ibia ibis Is I 1 a sweep ng edict din directed cled against bloomer bloomers noly noisy shin tier ties tooth pick shoes bo ind the lb like Is U dot not clear lot certain it Is I 1 that the majesty of the united atlee murt not bo to off offended offin ailed ded by a inin ap appearing pe tine in the court room wit without a coat cost |