Show f I FROM OVER 1111 ah f y its 21 to g lariat jonii k I 1 ta war 11 from frosts our MII M II r bowma TeW Melle allow they are rr I 1 routes L I 1 K 1 I I 1 of reason and rd also 1 the greatest great cat one within ibo the 0 lion ion of ibe the oldest mc uttel lre lire L re sno jay evening the bridge bridie bt ill it d iut out kalost the mighty dorco of the ho t turret ert tile water baj bell nearly two feet it began ix atu a around the north abutin abutment ent of tho the bridi irlia P e which took about four feet but fortunately was wu not cirri carrie eil 1 way away A large forve ii men ont out monday and tuesday un I 1 the tile bri apoi 1 now can withstand witha tand another e lege elege anal 11 jeli I 1 damage lii dm lins been bell aa 4 MV aam the river tile bikk rant w v is g IS pai tin I 1 it culli nent lit tivy I 1 KS we it uen uin el lel meadow atre covered with abris ili bri on cul I 1 helue ht Lue filled with mul mud liro jiro her bar bath allin formerly ol 01 emery has hu anotol li alii hon thol I 1 goods to Cast ledale we on on and a conr wife brother aud and holie jou you will not bo ba sorry tor for your artar blood alon liy bera ber with both allen and D T tho east tei toi chry cheria Ili tents thourl a binl n I 1 tw tren at tin 2 an antich better letter results will hillow let oo 00 little 11 task front beaming all al abey c cm in aither A a 9 I 1 tie tile ant give them no tunch as po poi ible sille uarl aal an I 1 carl glicer 01 n have lave atter un 11 ther lave a good force of auf n an annl I 1 expect lo 10 run mu the mill to iti its utmost ci ratify for two luon won ha he at bast work baa bu at last commented on the straight cunyon road 1 e hope to see ce a g asi d road through there as a it will lo 10 of groat to oats detale 11 an I 1 orange ville mach umber timber c connley will bv be thrown open annl a way to travel to by ly a shorter route brought a bunt about very fow few attended att coded sundry sunday school con ft on of tho the stormy wea thir thi r 1 the albito mail brotts his been bakit 9 bhuta around d town own the past mit j k I 1 lie ie left VA u monday melons at and hnud 4 a are all tight and sud a gool flavor fl ibur and withal a ga app y ELLING I 1 01 eugene drauch with ib Us two pois and daughter itoney bare gin a on aviata to friends in t 1 tn amm win t county an I 1 expect to bring back two of mr uramae Uram he ill lite li te winter neatly ull all ili abu by lave returned return froin at alo difo saw mills wills in the bark it conaty co autry 1 md send py piro ti jwell took a 11 bort short trip ip tile 1 o 0 i us last week lv in blit bey they ari N very closia aa no to annj the latter lart at of lust last week was wn very rainy awl u J 0 O ba hs IV two 0 but w on monday morning lut last when ebore liae wine l another annl diw 0 KA dais u the lb river jt it reachel reach tl cl ito if point about Tb etier wua was anti irl wet 0 forholt although Allbon gb bridgi was suld sul d to 1 IK entirely iii above the tracts c tf f the I 1 a iguest flood a u were aa 1 to 10 see am the ll 11 uil rise until it iann r in over the it wag then that the bial to lit bo I 1 gilt tit tv t mi gmt k of g it to ilia be bank wh ch ws dwite vitti v ith cha wt n an I 1 the ak w as davvd envoi 0 i acco unit ff the ib heavy brav rain mon vy tbt the azrie 1 t ir 1 l not a ta auld T ebu it brg br g in to ita its ninAl coarse course for tha year MI bieh id esry ry locus Lcou anlo 1 ofir dr 11 amlar te lier of hu I 1 yc it has charge three fiu fidile ile a pam have bought v boats SDI fo located 6 ro the pit week a to as to ell all good goodwill call a 04 jl fellison FEl rho lilON ra 1 b t S the tannin il it quantity 0 f rain that hai lam fallen wien the lat tatt fw vr days the 13 y V uneasy caesy aaa I 1 their grain a good of aliski iii ant tut hot till still in thu fl 11 id lit anti bout of it not riot shock N 1 A I 1 j i 2 aliases era bradlau Braw lau of an I 1 L ws reid roa rosa LX ax aud slid V I 1 he lie graue braue of orang via 1 were same ot of ferrous charming visitors tois thio week wyatt bryan a at journer lu to price vu s la arv tor for a dap dats IJ 11 31 pa At eaul aal family list we wee k from a aleas iut tut trip tj to mantl EIM etra frauk frank E A wild J 0 union iris ore some of our lill arit a rit nr who to erecting hin deova and some of alo ur uw marly A numb r of other othas eim making looking ad d und and improvements their dwelling dwellings briem 4 CO liars aurty finished an baI wiz ija cd 01 i it U to li 16 arat it will aon on bakit efte Z r If te 1 etious I to its it at atte rv luil unit logo liui 11 uro barna aw aris abrl S built and an l I 1 I 1 it abt r r our mechanics lu in arc clever lt the good goal work a so merrily a the next thing ta to order ie is the much such elrd ni dal d of our out trie atria a and foot in lin or overt ft alie lie ditt lift l 1 v RII 1 gatline trun bastil ibis abl gly ibi an wn was gir girau ess by ili abi L young lallee on hi ih miry radar night avaritt varied s by I 1 a I 1 beasant lilauti li tl lauvi dutt which 11 was a west 1 hail and I 1 daure Is antver of anything is ly by our la Is lie ills EMERY it lae had iwu been diady morn ing 1119 stol ping occasionally to tot P t 4 fresh a tart ani ant roads said path tire almost 11 impassable a with um son I 1 ankle dep it I 1 in feared that much has betts done to blest as a great doil 10 11 of that cereal Is liet et in the ft I 1 11 I 1 it Is a reported that the lulled bante will hive 9 this year of one lun red rat nl I 1 at ty mil tull lion la bo bels of wheat at and slid at tile lie it ui ili any dollars a to 1111 pour poor loeu ir cuta Auie Ameti cin farmer still wa bout are re re portel 1 along the county read but do a riou damage bj has et be n dolle ua on this cali Uit luit aill was dici led the of lb ibs or bulldis ir ig eh by a noce loco and 7 yeas Altho although Alt boneh a school Is U oat coill 4 tn ft a titter not to bI biliatis leatis ute doess to their posterity A party was given glyen on the IJ U b pu IT 1 r of ilia Y L M 1 I 1 A nil all partial abing iu in a general good time aurnou U 14 in torn doing photo gral lie woi k the licit MX 1 lull hall Is the most frequented plate la in town ilias dud ud loe a ill fia fin I 1 bickels an I 1 junett fur for ahta 4 when thoy tho y can bo be found for fie els jet join n edward received a powerful kick son bey whilo in thi moncita montita las the pack on hit pack animal bemm ilig to loose tie be I 1 iwed amed behia I 1 ills saddle horse to it when llie the animal kick d with ith loth both feet effting king hint fairly in tle tl short sibs sol iloilo Ino ilo him I 1 felt feirt to for guinote lui note he lie nyoen d torido to rido to emery the neit next bornish 1 dav lopal no ue Ileth luks per ups a rib or two nuy may be broken bC OFIELD the cc corpany elsm 1 an mide id 0 a propos idon to iho the minera miners to carry them thein to qa artem to then work for civit mats each per day or lers lets hard have baehr given a e ricely probia tins tin people from tiling cither either up or down on oil the frid lat arz II 11 llie the is e offer ia is accepted the pa inger cir will be run lown nu an I 1 winter Q karnei a fj has gone gono to Cattle edl dille to isit hia patents ruie ut the P V mines are still vry goud good ibao 0 egbu short allue havill a rj cowed lowed I 1 a order tor for foal coal aji ani 22 mrs moos rat 0 almy ajom ing hivia h ivia bt cn at to tor r a dia du 1 5 vulsia roller potter who a ha belu 1 at the dittme pItt Me iacre for some hint 11 liui bui gone to andrew W ibon is ia in his place NN INTER apt b pt 11 I 1 I 1 editor advocate air mr alector arans of NN inter quarters wish to through the co lunini of the advocate lla me heartfelt thank and gratitude gratl toda to all tache who bellied him by klud kind vo wo da do an ani I 1 act in hu a late lie bereavement rea an aud especially the Y L 31 1 I 1 A tor for their kin aita alta and anti the beil lill fill wreath pi of it 11 wr presented by them thein an al I 1 alio raw to thank the and many klud who balue to isei bi i re lie lie vely rom EVAN 8 THOMAS luo MOU B the berry rains the pit past few d dy ya have damaged the roa kojl 14 the county Ou nty the t bo canyon and abi tonit lionso wash beia lv amhed bj bi lly ily tle village bata liaro w cila vila the laet last wet it dij into chapai aunt 1 while si veral diff 3 ran have avin tied oats outs do tic of rutt r art nud rod without any cany kill tug klog pug nud aud kimball orain are in uran 1 annc lion and when shily return work will lain on the diw abd toll road r biourn has the new staw an I 1 she ri I loe IA A tb th roaring 1 be boat draw bat but three in hex at nater an od d 1 ua its chri atenO thu the N M V w th tha a ballon ol 01 pring water by C C 11 own the conn J hat has reavel from S st sl l t lille thred 1 cillie fur alor in ing ull kinds ot hill ru rho orand cousinly docket locket 11 ir ir the ills eu to tria term of datri dist fILL t court is i now lur lot bened with ugly threta CRY I 1 SU anil ilia of t little importance 41 very abort atrul Is i lotI fokd lied fo to ilia tb tons orLd it artist arl ba has tv ns t barard from the U rand rind J peach felt and aul an 1 faces will twill all 11 bo be anjain IT a ef lwills says if it thy miti rain J U V bot tl ulm iw UW LV U WY W buru iuru tu to att 11 01 A a I 1 I 1 mako an all assili 1 oo oue of ot of the th late sisto another iiii 1 mm mr cecil drown drawn of duver with ilia sit hutt at t flott I 1 sl axwell Merth mabanta nt re i pott bus incas good anil and in ouy ou y I 1 lenty chete re no idler all at ane county clerk made loade an n effort to 10 bin hiru a nan but gre give it tit ID in disgust malt martin and lion john E pace rate aro ore in from train little castle valley lester bayot wife and family ar at r rued ed lute inte lit last l it week an I 1 will mike to ike moab bleir bomp home dr william williams report reports the health of tit 11 valley a as exLe bru castle in Is sept eek sol lift immediately for the theoland Orand yawn mine taine cllveland D oai oni crops are greatly n ilar dato damaged aged on oil 0 it the bay heavy b ay ill tonida whid wire fu to lowed by destructive tl ff rio is 1 0 on ao out of at the tb st lually school con call I 1 bernou balg hill tet sit this 1444 I 1 to gite give leathers tui lie a chaice to atten 1 tb the baue lej led rou Profet professor sor harily h is a cooj oo j clae class ot of tu ifft itie the time aryear this ii is probably pru bably the lin idest me non ul ot ilia year tor for our people lhost a 0 thim bela beany farmers the canal has matte 1 another bal ba I 1 break par arc atara lu to cuje car nw write up A lawis larsen Laree ii who obtained the con can tract to balaj u beace aroun i th abe a C clee laud district bout property I 1 a busily eai the timber I 1 etl ek I 1 ibl his U a it defre I 11 and will add ald beaubr to the appearance appe arauco of the property oar our p opo op o to all school chilona mandir be the oth tie wife of henry jr I 1 ie v very e ty alk alar lg co cc are betting getting their flaning luo in fit running order older tavy atu y expect to have all the work bey they cn can a attend to unto huntington attorney attorn ty george il 51 miller purchased V it R guymon this ineata i that air miller ii U penu located at bunth glou W V P M 0 ua D lit n and B F black are to go to unico 0 P black and fala illy of Fruit froitland land new aro bre b re visiting vidt ting aej and I 1 atu at a suc eting held recently by the ami and elani anal coin it was l that acilee 1 S eps epa baal I 1 lu bu dauen iken to prevent the from a the heat head aters of river and that nn oft iam 1110 fj I 1 atod at once the scatter will be taken into the contle the family of W AI IS black of Don blaa mexico van v celebrated at the ri lance of george gale laet last week rho family li perhaps the in be the katr talc only that of the late brigham young there were present at t the minion dreu and mud great three are the descendants of about one third of bi lit family mr diack black has been bee here her ince since ibe the jub job lee havics come from M mexico e XICO to attend the pioneer tho the damage lo 10 eun ry county crops by y the recent will amount to sv S v eral aud dollar dollari ilia tata road ap 4 anyon i li washed waa bedont ont the just want feted are art D impact alii end the rew im laef li h newt tb vil aiato ato abitt fw tp is entirely wei t away a way nothing rm realuia aluia lot one really every dim in nel died by the irrigation com compan pant la a is 1 gone ad thit only bridge un on lbs tb ene entire river ia is th on conj at and anti it ti is ilaw agal of anshel ft f grain along the river 1 were wept away and st teral eral i take went down in the terrible alicd peter Jo Jol banson ianson jacub I 1 and peter listison lIn u tison are the tile heaviest loeen ju a rho canyon abild while W A aarmon and nod in n report bout tight acied iwert wet t away along the river below town the loi lors at Is reported lo 10 be even greater than ut at huntington the huntington an annl cleveland CleTt land anal ire badly idamac 41 1 tho ft a ins ac rose car crab owned nad and used I 1 y de ev fit t lake is EOW ud and it was reported rf I 1 litt the water wise tanning inning ont lit bf of the reservoir t evening eY enIng and it t Is I 1 feared that thedac ia is genf daniago hu has a aleo 60 been ilone dolls the grain in u the floi flo I I 1 br bir camblin oi tt it to 10 pron ll efroin the IM t lio too reported on it put mill is a agila in operations tile injunction accomplished the deirth deir tl our people can 01 now ob at boico instead f pending two or three daya TA a gex to and a C 10 t wait sever aldas 1 forbear for beir grist on account of abe anh at wilh new harily followed follow ej f haut tt n al 4 ayal isget W 11 1 t I 1 0 i lay day for the purpose of to akin kin come voine sit PI toward making a deelse to the tile alt tall filed AW agrout them by the dwier mills noil anti manufacturing company tb thill repudiated the action of the th who be interfered with and topped the flow it tt ibo the water in the huntington canal and ed the th secretary J II 11 boott scotts to procure tb the of an n attorney to make thia this dat il efen eneo an all educational meeting ino eting of the district cliel I 1 teachers wae was beh 11 lt last Wed amley even ing at alich a tf 1 good so a li were given nian ilia duties of litrento lia xi rento to their children chil drra and slid lothe tu ake atho choi il atit it ii to will bo be well m ll an I 1 ti ngul arly attend il J by every chil I 1 la in the datrice within school ago ge J U 11 who bai has been at barek t for the lift last tea ton months has returned home mrs peter ij sick lr dr winter winters wat was la in tor or town lift last on business john WM was his bt patient pat tent mn mrs win floyd has ka returned from train ittle killpack of maull matill 1 is here 1 ting bla his brother J II 11 killpack robert grdon sol eola I 1 his b sheep heni herd latt last week to GG frandsen of price for robert ay says bee be a tired of abe range branot and arlston Arl oarl T ri of salt lake were in ili Inar dike by bishop scanlon on of salt like lake on oat wed emliy no liy evening eTen etenne ng every one bj had a gooc time andall and all elabed theau a long ant and haply y ike life attorney Atto roey warf wart spent lay in town looking up point joints in regard to ibo ca ce of lerina levina which it kaald will bo be braught to tho the notice of ja julg ige johnson Jo lineon at the next dext sitting of district court superintendent 11 II Q G W bb baa has started a night school with lia member tuo tue charge la IS one dollar loll ir per mouth and threw e ei ering er ing each week la in demoted to the work it lt it a map op for fat the boya boys dhillon scanlon la Is down from front salt lake making irta orations aliona to n catholic chon b wo we with wish blin excess mr ilia henry wade went |