Show G dawl dido dien 9 Is ox Th liti io to igini list advocate every boneet honest Utah niao democrat or republican bi ba nauseated with the aalt alt like trib uns UD present political politic jl policy on 04 bull day joy lust last bat that IS cpr r printed a it bre arb column cartoon of tarra ion in other countries coun trix to bow rby why wa w labagh in america where wheat since n is a jollar a bno beobi bI no won let 1 it fill tb sorti atad beaded policy y player oZion jour wool ht anre a at oe jmanie american faT arine iners nare are getting the highest price prim for the lyet wheat prop iq 14 many N a e wonder if ft the uryah betrayer of fills taka birto pr st hare mi lower the pt eiloe lee of amerita Ame ritu wl wheat a t to Q the bennio free bratle bath buis o ix 0 araso at of tai to ce es across the pon 4 1 I ve wonder epou aich th this eort atei ate I A da ill of george camol and no i 1 arty hod lied lt last yar year w ista it lowel abut Amer iced independence of att aai other ther nation nn no ler let the sun an or this year w hap it it iolati lot coith th a poli onous flood of utter bitter crot ion wilb with intent be bobea of a americans by exaggerated agga ag rated ani ant pictures of distress dit reee in land lande of we were ft free last year if the little while white hal mot from the ratte had baen elected we wonder if it bit his I caltia oo 00 in utah would aare have that cartoon 1 the price of wheat when t were tilt still on the democratic pop poli socratic ocra tic socia fitio anarchistic lerel level we wonder if lails salt lake organ of all those would of ho ilia elsewhere and of loe the intimate coone dlou beaw between or a this hi aad and other nations and the price prices of wheat and ilert silver Trib tribunes Tri bonet unet tte tro tt e 1 14 advocate ap op pe pein irr to lobe be striving bard hard for a uck kick item the thich it will not fret get and to cam earn what li it has received rc elved w hc it do m the urn waa was in t larg IV we never strike a arple crp le ur or I 1 akk a foil s lafa 1 4 |