Show aa lug WROUGHT IR ab Is had Is aa ya middle A there is no doubt tl ti at t wrought if arm Is more and more used year to in do tacho mile and df DV edly so there ie is nothing noth lair that lm irate itself ro ito wily easily to the ot of both utility and art beside it I 1 lim ax an ancient and nd history armary in the p deuced much wrought iron from work ct of ia R rather mthr character wh oath as ir the grate cows rind ts to be ecru lu in the ermet eds of numo berg iron was alto 1 employs well fuch ci lis hut that at antwerp at tributes tri buted to 0 o quentin matey matays Oria ally a blacksmith mith from louvain Lou Talo he b eme ra to antwerp to 0 o k his hi fortune crt them the tho story anea be fell in lore love with 11 the daughter of a water wool 1 ta to the darg as well ai iter father arx charged the anvil th the painters ra interi f I 1 iotte and ids death in 1 be he wn was in helping to raise the klook ct of antwerp to a celebrity pal tombal to that of the sebr cheole tt ef braaf aal ohm ghent ironwork waa was ertem frear 1 at augsburg hinr the foste rivA cw ca of the family nn taking the hay shape of brae let from the md and grill grills over fail lights CT or in a balcony Grote grotesque Oro twine oque are re aleo also 1 lie nuremberg kly were sometimes aab lab brately to V c lit now a 1111 by litt agures gures iu in fall relief v ith coats ot of aim aims and tie ile like tie the french revis lation was the canine of much splendid ironwork being aln la in 1703 certain provinces hd to brather together y available 1111 piece of lre to into pikes and other w weapons nevi york berald |