Show end of the world W orld may reah from heat this bummer summer a beat la Is explained by a chicago la in a way calculated to give both chills and fever ever to that part 0 of which accepts his 1 lie ile asserts that the earth in its annual about the eun sun Is approving nearer and nearer to that orb every summer and getting arther and farthur away every winter the ultimate ieula sult he avers will ie oe that the inhabitants of this sphere will be alternately baked and rozen until no living being to I 1 left protestor professor I 1 ludwig J HArlen burger ph PIL D a graduate 0 of tb tho university 0 of I 1 B berlin alln who speaks ten languages la Is the exponent of this startling theory some scientists bare have argued that tent event ally lally this earth would become a 1 froze mass other others that it would in I 1 the coure couise of a few thousand yar yeans be traDE firmed into an orbicular ur cace in time would consume on sume itself prot asor aya says both of the are quite probable the professor professors idea to that this lobe globe in its it orbit orbital revolutions baa has lipped slipped a cog anil and abat it will continue to blip slip into ever oha changing nging orb list he lie la Is of 0 the opinion that the earth li 11 approaching old axe age becoming some om what decrepit and wobbly and hai has rut the of inherent magnetism to maintain tt it elt elf in its it pro proper betchan chan nel mel solstice and the 0 u demone demon stra tn lions bowing showing that nearness near nees to the in a does not make this mundane sphere aber hotter or 0 colder do na bother prote eor sor Mariea burger ea pots spots and aim im liar ilar are only incidental inci lentil and can have little effect elect A chicago university professor culee cules the tb theory of prot Marlen barger Z I 1 r 7 I 1 00 1 0 40 0 1 e 4 11 1 1 I i I 1 af safa I 1 I 1 N af I 1 10 I 1 I 1 ll 11 Z 1 7 sut i SOLID LINB LINE THE PATH AD AND wi abr TED variations |