Show cast cocca pt tre lurl le wog TM the fall If 1 maae mass cotton mann lecturers fact orera monday at a meeting for the purpose of the work of 0 reduction unanimously toted voted to wage wages to a bait basis of 17 cent cents for the Te to go into effect september bp bep 3 this Is I 1 about a 14 per cent cat eat the tile present price of wetting being 19 8 cent L th the tote vote was anent mon with OD one exception ihli this man botio voting accio af against cio the reduction only on the questions a as to the amount an agreement will be drawn up p for signature and will be paced passed by the execl tive com committee mitt of the it require requires a representation of spindles plod irs to make malie an in agreement to reduce wage wages of opera operative lag ing and toting voting there were tives of nearly 1230 spindles |