Show MORE OB OR LESS PERSONAL caf IL M laj in ltd x sunday a alies geynie meynie brown ie Is visiting in or ken luver river this tak ek tom barton was bore monday trum from helper to attend the taw A J lie lee li e lat from a it ts trip 1 is to the rawln atio it george W V motile came cattle down town from salt bait ike city adny night miss may deltor of aprin sprin I 1 visiting alting ti her tier att sister mrs A J ue lw 1 may joeli o of akon we visiting elting vi frienda friends here this well ak it if 11 crafft tt wie wits hei here from boo smi field the tile fertit ot of tho the week on legal tousin two mrs doll fautt has returned from froin a viett visit til to n antl r nt at pro 0 and kilt lake city 11 bite to loelen caine value up 9 san an tar rel oil bowl 11 eM salon laet last ek 1 returned sin 8 in adny frani a week isit to homo home tolka folks at lit bulc ae I 1 tun john holly MM maa bere monday on h hi 1 way to div from W a visit to salt lake city mr air llllian giomi and anti little re felting at hunt th III la week coant cical donaldson vu wa in n salt wt luke lake this betic attending reunion ot of tile lipi ino too war burun mra mrs 1 sumuel allison left center ester day for ogden to join tier hubband and anti to atten I 1 tho the I 1 confer hw ace mm J 1 and chil dnn to Ha amin halt salt lake 1 end and will make complin price in lit the future I 1 II 11 I 1 11 of attle dale wai was a price visitor mr ottosen 11 buy down ingils 1 bartot atit of the cout country itry with their carols AN ill Jam campton cartle mer front ca castie date dale laet last LInY and took the tanin here alunday for hirer whew he will visit for fur a eek wl with tit friend mr air an and dAirs blugh gaily gully of vates counts count missouri who liae ha been vis me lake cita a and O 0 ogilee bets cunio came in ru Isda on a visit tol to au 0 Huffma tin nii nd ra ally J 0 C lotto t if uh t it was I 1 acre pro the first of the aee ae ek e k igl and made th advocate a Ilea sarit call mr lutt reports some good rains in his part of the country the past few diecks ito S 4 billson lei artel Mon lutor ogden to attend t the e methodist feth odist con confer ter to fuce 1 4 a aich com en thern there tills till week m k it 1 la a to be hoped mr allison wl will 1 1 be reCur ned to till thit field of work again ho lie will be he gone souie two to erthree three eke A I 1 irso 0 W bodle and daughters laught cra clara and maud 31 chisar this ar rived laet last week froin from halt salt lake lak 0 city and mrs bodle bag has rented the house I 1 oil formerly oc culled iel by berleant ber geant sing in atton and opened up the eaino sam as a a board boarding ing house mr of tho the law firm of foodwin vanpelt salt lae city wa here tuesday on oil profession at busl nei q and malo niale ta the idro advocate cate a pleasant cal this ie mr Van Mt visit to irice and bebas be was much lr impressed rz pres wd with the town to vr and general surroundings |