Show current time a UT SALT LAKE day sopt 9 1900 TOR mo s for grand junction dearer denver and apo 4 all points po east I 1 sp pin A no S amul junction dearer and nd u point no mt P mo ifor ilot ci brand mod dearer denver anop 1 11 II goto 1 ILI tho A attaud 11 yon igo ifor I 1 for halt tek 01 sad dd ont ot points 20 a in pact no ax press gait lt lk lake air city ogden g bp bout points point dpn abe acello clyor igo fi tor elt gait uke lake aty city ogden and nd leant points doe doco not dot stop top at t r isla 4 53 a a na abe 1 limited no as LM leaves colton tor for 0 aad n 4 crr clear crecli crock it 13 13 pin N fa lepre cle clear r creek lor for boo all field 14 and DI colton 7 oo LM a mo louia and nd bunn yowe I 1 m ain no aw 3 aro n Bun to helper IW i oo 00 p m for information routes connection connections rates etc a apply I 1 tooran I 1 to or dreu dress IJ II 11 MMA MCDONALD LD agent price utah cast a ballot for the court house bonds Itt interest crest comes cheaper than renting fire insurance R W crockett idail lay ii Is lr lutu lu teu jullue a ton in this market ROVAL the absolutely pure POM ER is is the baking powder of general use its sale exceeding that of all other baking poN powders combined i royal baking powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad its qualities which make the bread more healthful and the cake of finer appearance and flavor are peculiar to itself and arc are not constituent in other leavening agents great efharis ar art anade to til sell alum baking powders under the pin pies hit that ibry they of rf 0 1 o 9 s y arni pound rol 1 th cadru i isso hat that they are ar nud nude la Is an adoila adenis lion sion that ahn ahr arc are but alum pow den bon contafi tair a corrosive corro police polson and hould should dot be usta la to foods do matter bow cheap ROYAL akina CO CC 1100 WILLIAM AT brov vote for a court house for carbon county A bodal social lop will be given at helper hotel I 1 evening nor now 16 salt lake city music has been beem P wired and a good ie is assured invited bici ets 1 I per couple DEAFNESS JANNOT ANNOT DE BE CURED by b local imal 1104 as th they py cannot reach t tz a dives 1 purt rt 0 o of ear there Is 1 only t tzan one oo 00 way t to 4 cure I 1 and that la in by on onn rem re jea 1 in 1 c aed b by an inflamed condition cond tion of th the cou hol I 1 I 1 the a abe when this tu tuba reu vets rou you bs sa ngod oran or im perfect bea burld and nd abe ben n it to 1 entire 4 y cloned deafness deaf I 1 the tb result and od UD un ei ton the be co w be taken out and nd this tab tube ree restored to its it lb arual ai condition bear loir al b 4 ye 4 borryn fla JD c out of aflee an so 2 we wilt ale too dollar for any CA of d by that asih m so if it I 1 pam w m fy III ilij ST 0 CO 00 tolona Q 0 b dru j hetu lt 6 attim the be ben I 1 DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds ie is all right fight bat but yon you want something that will HI billere and cure the mire ae se vere and dangerous tien gerona results of throat and inns long troubles lee what hall you do dot go to a warrior cpr aud and more regular climate ye yea it 11 possible poe aible if not possible poe aible tor for yon then them ia III either cue case take the only remedy that hu has been introduced in all civilized countries countr iee with success in severe throat and long troubles lee BO german syrup it not only beala heals and seimu lates the tiene tissues to destroy the germ aisea bat but allay allays bcd lcd catwell easy tip expectoration gives a good cahl reat rest nd and care cares the patient pet lent try one bottle many year years by all in the world for sale 1 by price trading company johnny foote eo so well and favorably known to the people of utah uta is now the nole mole proprietor of the new w resort 1 booth south main blain treet street salt alt lake like the ewel swell leet est place in the city he extend extends a invitation to bia his friends IQ to drop in and nd a aeo him ilia lite paw ia to for or everybody frota vlastie valley the beat of 0 bvm thing to drink and nd moke smoke pool and billiott billi ort taaim tabi z advertisement state republican ticket for I 1 wenta electors Kl ctorn ESI RY X WALTON CE LOOSE JOHN representative to S OC THERLAND juda of supreme court W BARTH BAR TH governor M belury of stat tale a HAMMOND all att my general M A DEis ot of kublic instruction A AC traun r JOHN DR fla us seventh Judt cia t strict I 1 ral TA Q OP wn lighston L va iown MIA j oo 00 ticket j ji it W L M autant J 11 r 41 11 JW r L 1 K R ff IL ar I 1 aumer A 11 W new through thron h pullman service ro st louie on june lit the tho great rock island route through pullman bloopers from denver to bt louis via vibe the hallway from kaaiai kansas city the car will leave 1 deaver denver daily at 1 2 33 is ro an oo 00 the ool orado klyer flyer arriving ID in BL st lout louis a is 11 p V a the next dy day one hour kod and forar minutes fast futor frum denver deaver to ft it loul louls than naf any other car line excellent eions from pueblo and nd colorado Color Klo the ca arre aro broad rr of 0 the laft latest pattern t tern and nd mot most luxurious type tyro advantages in patronizing this service 1 will be b the th quick laula on oars abo lute comfort the beit best dininio car service to the tb world tor bor full inform altion call oa your louel loual meent or address T J chark passenger agents IW wool boutta treet street bait salt lake Le keCUr city utah mag onual maganus expectorate ia is a positive po altire care cure for coughs cold colds lagrippe bouges tion of 0 ane langso 1 and oil acute asthma for calept lent emery mery county mercantile corn com rat tore store ue use magno magnus expectorant for blessant sant pr prompt pt and certain relief for cough coughs and 09 cold 1 casias 1 rite lotion car care magio pile lotion a positive cure for piles kune I 1 inge ban burns scalds painful well swell ing togs invaluable in dip therla for sale ie at emery county mercantile company oom pacye 6 stores magic pile lotion cured pile piles cathar AX ix tenial or internal in from 4 to 5 day days A A 1000 nt on F for go goedd da fiobo MI val pay T ct got tk tie wit witt thai that hays ti tau pr pro popl people 14 aral purs ar kl bosti is 1 ba bos 0 t Mend amcnda vIlai keal fht TAy lu intel ea a ikeie isasa ua kike tot U t 1 la IA 11 4 calud tre ibell they III cuvir lU vIr bea up a sold in alla a tor fast 1110 tb nor marioo colds ia 1 the tk 1 apply wil just the tb treatment affied we oarl secured tee the feriv kocl ai to for t ra r a kew lot buu aj bars mr va iel now ALL MEDICINE DEALER y A 4 IF YOU BUY HERE 4 YOU BUY RIGHT I 1 that means that quality stylo style and price will all be in your favor amft WE W 1 I MILLINERY SHOES STAPLE DRY GOODS rj GENTS FURNISHING SAND NOTIONS we invite inspection and comparison in quality 4 style and price 4 i emery county mercantile co AT BALK DALIC ja castle valley store ORANG orangeville EVILLE UTAH NEW STOCK NEW goodse NEW PRICES I 1 WE HAVE LEADERS IN EVERY LINE and our low ow prices will command your attention bring your cash and ani see what dollars will do suits from to ta shoes 0 of all kinds and a fit at any price TUTTLE MOORE proprietors 3 4 4 4 JC weeter lumber co 4 I 1 I 1 ag AND ER with A fall line of sub sash doon doors door building paper cuing casings block blocks redwood and pine pin Fit fiah db builder builders hardware GIM glass wire cloth itoe roofing Ito oring nails barbed wire combination lath fence rence also a complete corn biste line of hermess Het mess wagons Bug buggies gics spring wagons r handle all kind kinds of farm implements we bopre seat the co op wagon and machine co of salt lake like if in need of any thing in oar our line call and sue ue us 01 or write it will be to your In interest treet i 4 to do W 0 o J C WEETER LUMBER CO 4 t 4 4 first class livery in connection LA OTEL nam 4 H D ELLIOTT T CLARKE C LARKE 1 the table supplied with the best ahn th market affords headquarters for or commercial men and the general traveling public the only up to date hotel in this part of eastern utah rates hates s tad 2 per day dau arat sample pa e rooms R in connection 1 CLEAR m STREET T abc T he line imes of buty and wo ali tug ahk ap u to of the Carni cuts of FRED ambric n ranor chlcagno CAM C AM ae don if 70 W would b be wu dressed and hy 4 6 creased at the ume time icye 1 your 6 7 1 order with NV W C BROEKER a helper utah b local 21 1 hotel 10 te I 1 andersen Ari derSen i I 1 CASTLE DALE darr UTAH rates up day central location IN 14 COX CON AI SOUTH MRS KATHINKA ANDERSEN 00 son faw OP 0 own 0 A r r i JK a sel 4 |