Show notice notice ii Is hereby given that by orar of the board of county commissioners of carbon cabon county utah oa on oct 15 IWO 1000 there wa was ordered to 6 be submitted to the qualified lifted voters of laid said county the que au an tion ot of bonding eaid said carbon county in the tarn ot of ten thousand dollar dollars for the purpose of building a county court boase and furnishing the same said question to be determined at the general election held on novembre Nove mb Us if lyuu ballot bare hare bin boen prepared and will be at t each etch kolliar precinct in said id county countr only abow dumit a voters of carbon county utah who bar have paid a proper property tr tax la in carbon county for the year rear are entitled a titled to vote on thia this question ahw favoring the auns of men bond bonds shalliot ball shall tote vot 9 gifter the word words for the lune issue of bond donds th thi 9 word I 1 yea those op the word no by dy order of the board of county commie elonen ners WARD county clerk H by chaa chan 11 worth deputy clerk |