Show 11 VII ai F ay all 1 Pas TAW I 1 1 I him I 1 f I 1 41 C R F N C F M ab W I 1 E aft 6 4 N W arx S 3 A I 1 I 1 ItEAL AND bomi I who do I 1 tot ot look lovely la in a irn wet bathing suit alt sill eagerly adopt a cotton which in belne adverted by a coclet of at byg alt in I that it t that thit gene generally raily a sun an or a cir ir bath li to much better tor for health ban than I 1 at ocean dip the truth ai 1 11 saya says an english doctor I 1 the th popular idea ot of c ca a bathing la to absurd it is I 1 so tar far tram from being everybody a tonio ionic that in ili many cues it li to a menace to life the dip that even frail trail women herot yUr fore force themselves to take belle belleT ln it Is I 1 the ali right slight thing to do Is too severe a hock tu to neres and unac cus customer cutto tomed mcd to pit hidden aden or violent exer ilona I 1 in place ot of sea bathing the london ll recommend air or I 1 sun un bathe baths taken was oa on the beach I 1 says ay harpers a bazar it Is in a fact ea I 1 in tL edical science that were exposure of the boily body to the air pro ducci dute ph pit steal chances changes that go far toward counteracting the degenerating effect of civilized civilised civili sed life the course tee commended oin om mended therefore by ilis latest health fad li to to lie it at case on the and sand batted balled in fit rina bine and freeh fresh air and Alfter afterward viard tuv have a thorough rubbing down which process further it it worn body Ilar happily for th tha who are I IK T lu lit ai ag s 1 1 aj la in health thia this fresh air cure may be taken without the expense ot of traveling to hummer summer resorts A wonderful new nc hospital bits juet just been built in parl paris which promises to mak make a revolution la in the world ot of medicine it as a ho the dram dream of pat I 1 deurs fur life ond and strangely tra neely enough gh a few ew day days before big death the large funds oary for the purpose were offered anonymously te to thi this treat great man to that he lie had the pleasure during hie his last lait day on earth of U bowing knowl nic that one nf of bin hi dearest ambitions would be tul ful filled the hospital lie now nearing completion and stands opposite the pasteur institute the building fon con lt of isolated ola ted blocke joined by un corridors there la Is a beautiful winter garden and a bummer summer garden for the patient patients the th whole grotem 1 worked on the plan of and isolation leo lallon cn in entering the hospital hoil tal the patient has 12 sabath i bath I 1 laying been put into hospital clothes he then seta sets into in which lio be la Is cheeld or taken by it R lift to an isolation leol atlon room the room loom he ho hns has in juit leri 1 ie 0 o are his clothe clothes bad mch blok contains twenty tour four room containing one bed bad each end two wards for cor leee lete enta with twelve beda beds the air space of each room ie Is thirty nine nisia cubic meters in teal of the gul atlon thirty kt U the prel print sent moment diphtheritic patients and persons bitten by rabid animals are being treat treated etl but the hospital in not by any means to be confined to then cases when the entire buil building dinic la ls complete it Is a splendid memorial to one of the must wonderful ond erful men the world has ever seen STOPS A SHIP QUICKLY the necessity for topping a vessel in aabert a short distance often cx curs and has led friedrich weidler of new york city to devise the drag 1 brake shown in the accompanying cut its ure may be the roeana of abing 1 many a collision or the grounding of a chip ship when mat shoal water appear appears suddenly in either case the vessel cannot be stopped in too short abort a space ot at time and this device abild be a material aid la in accomplishing the desired result thu illustration shows the device housed on tho the stern of the vessel tu r 1 17 1 I 1 0 41 1 I orl U F all 1 icv M I 1 I 1 I 1 1 S 41 vt I 1 0 1 1 i DRAG BRAKE kalt MARINE VESSELS position i to be dropped ansta instantly a af into the atar water by pulling the lei lever e r located adjacent to the winding drum the forake it 1 shaped like am im immense mense and Is supported eup ported by an ana arm attached to alther side aide of tho hull bull near tho the water line when the tb lever 1 Is pulled farwar fur war it the and allows allos the erum rum to revolve the scoop ailing falling into the water of at its own accord it instantly exerts such a re latance tot anee to the water that the vessel Is readily hi ought to a standstill after its purpose the brake Is turned to Its housing by the revolution of the drum on deck dock winding up the cable table connected to the top of the brale brake aie U 11 4 in iny 71 lang cloth among the more rew it tasks tin that aisy nev servant of at man electricity Is 1 the acting aa an assistant in the operation of dwi dyeing 1119 wha cloth soared cd in aniline sulphate Is pieced betheen two metal piston with the es end of at j dynamo dyn taio and an electric current Is assed through it the th eiph it III 13 12 gnp ap into aniline black by the strength of at the sol ad a d of the u shades bom gaft to vii pure blak can be obtained IE in the raw case of bodifo the loth cloth Is imp impregnated ad with a pasta of indigo blue and sad caustic alkali the ell setrie to current t t tte le indigo blue za by ua of oxygen into sogiro whiff III e Is s and on beta mai exposed to tho the air be becomes condes once more ibi tunu blue thus thoroughly the ciuti vita wita that color I 1 CUTTER cutten CUTTER 0 ant an restaurateurs willy appreciate ho the merit merits of 0 the little mo chim hown shown below which will rapidly cut a 1 brick of better butter into part parts ot at any 11 desired thickness the machine Is op aerated by turning a crank anil and baa has a traveler aich is I 1 automatically moved it forward a hort short distance at sit each arste 0 lutton lution the movement belal baic easily ad justee by a screw to vary the thickness thic kneis of at the ants pats as 01 desired across the fac of at the th cutter are strung two or wire wires which ran can be set tt to divide the brick brck lengthwise into four ban it isz 0 1 I 1 M ae 1 I 1 f 1 4 4 a I 1 A I 1 1 I 1 4 I 1 1 I if rutt clr cl r n aar uc zaw i will ba seen that the crank has ha in 4 aa curved arm extending exten ling across tho the tace face s of the th machine with a thread stretched chod 4 6 from the tip ot of the arm to the tha base in operation a turn ot of the crank forcee forced the brick ot at butter forward and the tb thread cuts into the end then the thread on the crank machine will cut I 1 up an entire brick in remarkably abort short time and it will be found very convenient t and clean in its operation I 1 to talk aen aers the drik ie A a through the ot of inductance colli coils into the ele cl cult probes sor or rupin ot of ColLi abIa university hta has greatly In increased creed the eMe tency 1 ot of long distance telephony through cables the insertion ot of the col cot a enables the cable to transmit thirel as much cur rent as it Is in able to transmit tra nimit without i then them with an experimental thin thus provided it t bai has been found pos 4 I 1 tible to carry on a ds at 1 a distance of miles dy by applying the principle to oceanic cables it Is believed that telephonic honio mesi sag might bo be bent sent to and fro ro aero across 11 I 1 the atlantic it would also greatly in crettie the rapidity wath ath which ordinary telegraphic sig signald can be transmitted by cial the principle pl Is likewise applicable for el tendIng the r gs of telephonic over aerial wires I 1 4 1 11 th the alx fir a of if ilk d ave W lord lard rayleigh 1 ID discussing our ability to tell the direct direction los from which sound proceeds calls attention to an interesting dIf difference Terence between the eyes and the cars with regard 4 the ilza size 1 of the waves that 5 strike them the tbt average wave lenish ot of light Is L about 1 a one ten thousandth ot at the diameter of the pupil of the eye on the other hand I 1 tho the waves of round 0 from a mans mouth 11 says lord realf ray 11 leigh I 1 are about eight tea long of I 1 whereas the diameter of the a A of at the par car ie Is quito quile small and find could not will havo have been made a large multi plop of eight feet feel one consequence of the of at light dav davee in com comparison parl I 1 with iab the size of the eyes Is that the lens lenses of tho the eyes are ate able ble to concentrate cen rays of hit joa pon the retina I 1 11 wim great ebeler y I 1 4 A alrh pho 1 ant crab 46 14 thero was mas recently added jo the thus aquarium at calcutta a gigantic crab I 1 about two toro feet in n diameter across its 0 I 1 shell shelf and having less legs three feet lony lont I 1 I 1 which was captured in a draff drag net not in pi 14 the indian ocean abo I 1 a mile froin from the shore and at a depth of forr fort fire 11 fat fathoms hoins after belne placed in a law larga aw tank it devoured the fuh d rn allar crustaceans that ere its rellow fellow pria onen and later in the evening cur sur curi i I 1 prized its keepers and visitors by emit ting a white phosphorescent light 71 strangely stra illuminating the gloomy cor car ner here where it hat ha I 1 conce alel itself ba be i tureen two boulders 1 4 CIO a why metal baua do CM ca As A Is well known some metals sq ars 9 V uns unsuitable u bitable for casting while others t like iron can readily be cast at in any desired enace the property of casl st in ins bell well Is said to depend upon 1 whether the metal contracts or ex on from the liquid a 0 r torn form iron like water expands in eol t and hence the solid nield may be aea a floating in the ciquia t i fron about it gold cold and silver contract cou tract y in cooling and therefore are not stilt I 1 able for casting Z I 1 11 art aud nil a A A tal letin of the new york golost J cat reports that the 1 ii of decorating decor the walls of the bf birdhouse rd f with Palli 11 tino ot of landscapes landscape a has q u t had at least let one interesting result t the emcee have several times tried id ida 11 1 walk the walla walls iov gawf w illaci IMN frum M mammoth kolath car I 1 I 1 or the first time some me bat 1 it LIva from th ammoth cavo of at ys have i achell auva and ben been s placed in the london zoological Cleal raf vv dw dens lu |