Show I 1 chanat CH anit rift ithe the senior officer in com command mand of 0 be british channel squadron equa dron Is vice admiral sir harry it clawson K r 0 V I 1 IL whose flagship flae Ilag ship hip is 1 the be 31 clestle gl estle 1 the battleships comprising the t he squad I 1 nin ton are the hannbal jupiter magni fleeno majestic airs and ind princel george all first arst clase clau armored batt bantli li hips ships of exta u guns una Is toai tons dis placement 13 I 1 CO to tono indicated andl c abed hone horse I 1 power and IT klots ave average rage speed together with the batik bips banti and neso resolution lutton c each ach first arst clia class ar at mared of at eighteen cum guns tons tone tons indicated horse power and jena 17 5 knot knots average I 1 peed speed the squadron aleo also compres on pria ithe the following first class cruisers cru laer dia dla idem den and niobe each ot of mile D runs guns 11 ton tons displacement 16 ton tons hoie hose ho ie se potier and SOS 05 knots I 1 average peed speed arrogant an and d furious ament ach each ot at ten gun guns 5 SM tons displacement 10 tona tons ind indicated icat ed horse pow ier er and nineteen nine teea knuta kalts nominal speed and the pactolus Pac tolu an and 1 Pe loius latus third clau clan cruisers crullers crul lers each ot of kluht gun guns 2 2133 tons 5 3 tons indicated horse power and 29 20 knots knos average speed |