Show current time table SALT ROUTE Ra ostive so loody sept pt 9 loo ron poi tor junction bissol 14 volute hut I 1 a p m atlantic Atton tio biar W K drw arato junction denver too all points WL eket ap in busolo limited 11 1 1 Juno fon antt good gal poin till tt us no atlantic infer TOR ho so 1 isalt mula emlis nor olden jitou od points ADA m PA falbo so s cpr as 9 lof loke city virden and ad utellis tt most points 1160 to to TT no flyer ka b acor icor wor kelt lair fabe aly tad nd ado anast awat IOK dom not top at t lafty 1 it per af pf 4 A a a ta ilabe tb boilo limited s NO SS LT coltof for of bixl ixl d cle clear 1 wk it U 12 11 13 p m a V e S 4 i r creek for or poo fid 04 and lotton 1 wava 11 bior linnrll too astor as tor amunds ind and collao a sis fie ha sok so k roa roin Bunny ild to 0 o helper a P in for in crobu rout rotto rott o ato to w alv nl in r nr ad drose D R 11 cDONALD aw aalt rt price utah ulab fir R W crockett true tru C economy E co n 0 MY the difference of cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a supply to one dollar a year the poor powder would cost many times this in doctors bills royal haking baking powder may cost a little more per can but it insures perfect wholesome food in fact it is more economical in the end because it goes gocs further in leavening and never spoils the food royal baking powder used always in in making th biscuit and cake saves both health and money you vo can lut it U 11 ou m ali aa health abod tu to use uw arde am b ls iz acx tiers ders the are apt to poil the food they tic endanger the health all physicians will tell ou thai that alum in food Is koyal ROYAL AKINO BAKING ader CO willlam WILLIAM BY T YORK your yo ur time has gome when you M o nil all c f millin ry at it D paces OUR TIME HAS COME abla we lust anlo bolm for oar our tock of fell fall coo to und nd ji it tx coina imperative lUr liTe that wr wa unit lul litt a bik big in your bijur la in or ler yoa run b bt luan lodice wl I 1 tj ta lay boy at oue and thus holp as us rolac oar our ocl of tit hito tridiea trita tura on I 1 untrimmed 11 le straws and t bebop gra tem all clyl 1 w ax H to oter itt t war our LLEAn iNU SALE WE HAVE OLD SOLO HAT HATS and ail sol gal I 1 had hats but wp wo mill I 1 lifar ar a inego isor is or on baud 11 nd it yon you come first yoa YOU emu have lint choice end ad that Is go groa hitce hot ce mis mrs do D W soli A way cessns sess t ns how ihly we of at r OIK bi indred reward for sona ramia that IN boo curad by a Cat drill flare V 1 l cusi it 4 k co toledo 1 we t loaris known r i cho wf for the bit hot is 11 adoo ind nd beleva jim perec 11 la brauo tong t 1111 alir abio too arrul 1 any oh 1 I tiana m made cuje tr bf their arm firm wt Tru ear R tabiolo 0 ot t fionan it hansill HAN Till buleto ta fuenta 17 1 it 1 I 1 c larri tart io I 1 taken internally actis directly upon toot b b ad and Inua our x jtb alii I 1 fu A 0 IT I 1 tomiso mrs caminit id wt well 11 for MI litle af beir ADVER I 1 MENT AN C state republican ticket fp elector electors WIE er it WALTON C lt C joll I 1 tt JL M U 14 DOCIC to Lb narese R juda 0 supreme 0 court W barr BAR Gorer governor nor M iott X A 0 11 C Tree treasurer surer DR DIXON auditor ca 1 8 seventh judicial ticket juds district attorney W D republican county ticket J it SHARP arr ee f D ali i HA K Q E r W I 1 II 11 Tru irr J W atty att Y 11 L 1111 1 riff Is IF affer A urro quenion QUE n ION ANGERED anaut mii S bw tb the 1 I 1 I rt lr nf of any m d eltin 1 to in the chiv d alx 4 1 Y nr innia r end grand rv nr never ef lf noting 1 any aln hint 1 for laillia jiin or were aul thor sela edom 0 bavari of derrom prot pr ome tra ration tion or heart failure 11 etc they nd alner to cien oat out be the tn 1 top of dudl 4 16 1 the action ct r f the tb lit liv r p the daryous and organic 1 action of the system and that 1 k s all 11 II thy took when feeling dol dull and bid NO with bf and oth conr r acha acne yoa you only need a few do dod d ot green a angat august flaw r a li aal 1 form to ake yoa you mattall I there 14 anthina meriom tb the ma arith yoa you for 1 oy price many mp ny johnny foth fonte eo so wull wolf and favorably favo known ann to the people of erbern utah 1 now the cole polo proprietor 0 of the new now arr south llla alain tree salt LIK let L IK the trell swell mt eat place in the city lie he strad a cordial invitation to his meade fri frada 0 a drop la in nd ad see him uto place la Is bed quarter for or everybody froia cattle Castle valley Valloy the liet of everything to it brinl and moke 11 pool 1101 ol and billi otril babl tabla 09 1 0 I 9 0 ii 1 r it ir r r hr hv h r pria a ge ff 03 3 IS 75 up y 4 a to M i u t 91 this is simply an ordinary I 1 EVERYDAY EVERY DAY STORE there is as no aham or pretense about this store no frills no fanciful attempted cuy c ty airs no extravagance in motives or method methods it is just limply a good solid reliable everyday every day store its here every diy daiy to supply you every day and do it better as the days go on it grows every day too and we hope to keep it so may ma be forever and a da day I 1 did we sa say ordina ordinary we hardly meant that lt when aal r I 1 merchants quit resorting to trickery when all advertisements can be implicitly believed when there is absolute safety in buying no matter what where or when you buy then this will be an ordinary store but today it under present d day methods of selling goods when shams are r ric e and trickery rampant it is an extraordinary store one distinguished by its simple unpretentious tent ious way of doing business singular because 0 it claims nothing more than can be proved unusual in its infallibly satisfactory way of serving you I 1 it is a singular yet ordinary store that asks and continues to serve you and it docs does so because it serves you best EMERY COUNTY mercantile 11 E CO CON AT PRICK PRICE DALIC 1 castle valley store orangeville ORANG EVILLE UTAH SEW NEW STOCK SEW NEW GOODS NEW PRICES I 1 WE HAVE LEADERS IN EVERY LINE and our low prices will command your our attention bring your cash and see what dollars will do suits from st so 50 to 18 shoes of all kinds and a aagat fi a any price TUTT TUTTLE LEi 14 WEAK 4 aa afaf t 4 i 4 44 44 4 1 11 jj J C weeter limber lumber co I 1 4 i t 44 44 ANU AND VAUD I 1 1 f 44 with it frill line of sash 8 M door ro screen building Dail ding paper 4 r 44 cilny Cil logg ng block and nd pa pima Dal Dail ders hardware GI GIM gitas tas wire cloth iron rooting hoofing nails kurbad wire combination lath fence alao a complete line or 4 46 4 6 harness Har riess wagons buggies spring wagons 44 e i i 4 4 handle all 11 II of 0 implement we represent the 4 co op baym ana 40 ci C of at silt L liki aki it in ap 4 of any ny 4 44 thing in oar line call atil na see ai us or write it rill witt be ui to your interest ln 44 4 4 44 to do so 44 4 4 H J C WEETER LUMBER CO to ile 4 6 4 4 44 4 edw 44 ai J first class livery in connection HOTEL H rj OTEL H D ELLIOTT ELLI orr j I 1 LARKE the table supplied with the best tw trin market alfords headquarters for commercial men and the general traveling public the only up to date hotel in this part ol 01 eastern utah 1 rates nates issa 21 per day dau sample rooms in connection te A CLEAR CLEAK 14 q MACI Oss THE RIE sn STREET ET f r ira 11 rt 10 inus lin t of beauty V and nd t the chic up PU ja to 1 dat j estess of ef the th L e garments of FRED KAUFMANN the america jl J chitto commac xit it yoe you VA A f would be wll well dexl tad and tyli bly dreuet at t tbt the art time love leave your I 1 orar with VV C helper butali LOCAL 11 8 itji i si Z hotel andersen Anc lensen j CASTLE DALE UTAH rates iao day central location IL IH IN ma koutin ANU botrite MRS KATHINKA ANDERSE PrOP TIA IS 9 P ft k y 0 A i 4 rf |