Show t i afi ijiri 1 t like lake city utah oc ottobert Ocio tobert beri 1 into to whom it may cove concern ernt natice is I 1 hereby dill enthat the etab hai has filed in abig mol 1 lint vat no ite li or of landi land tood by bufe 09 iff state tor for abe be establishment of permanent un anler ier lection cilo till it th act af approved july it 11 lau the tra CIS narcel embraced la in said hit lilt are re in a town g containing 00 ota laing ao 10 oral 11 claims rot kocor i fit vis N NE amo i NW 48 U S aloo tl on if 10 township 12 8 I 1 C I 1 1 mr A copy of ald laid int I 1 lot kao far aa alt it relate to aid meld tract by descriptive ire his ha ea pled posted la to this tbt amoe rr r r nip by toy any ny pron person interested latr noil and by be publeo berlly ner lly dubinar the lb sixty do din v 6 let following fol lutin the d late ate of f thil notice undo in of november V 11 4 3 L 1 aw protests or contests are dinst the clai he a 1 ate I to may or nf of th the tracts or subdivisions l on the ground that the uin moll in more valuable for mineral aba thai s f fir r agricultural irrl cultural 11 III be and noted for repart tn the land goir sit t aa U 1 r I 1 allure an n to amlet prakit oroon teu within the tb time etline III b considered lull lelent clent of the doo DOD of mid tract ant abathe the election selection thereof hereof being bein fre from objections objeCt ioni will lie be for approval app 1104 GEO A SMITH 81 fint pub bet I 1 I 1 I 1 pu b dee ax ll 11 IN 1 11 cot itt OF THE W tab tt hotl Dist rictor ulab within and for the 41 entrot arbon marya sharar plaintiff va hits 1 a F r ah be ter dependant defeo deen dant un imona tife abe state of jtb to 10 the said 1 summoned lummon ed to appear 1 lib in traer day after the ot abia um mon iian you within the county in which t abl action ll 11 br bm irit therele within thirty dari days after pen endro ire and defend the bore above ma titled action arki in cae coat of to so to do judgment will lie too re rendered against 11 you to the of the com I 1 ed I 1 herein a copy or f which it Is herewith served u n u I 1 al it mey for Plain plaintiff addred roo rohneld neld carbon county utah b tint rat pub sept 13 last pub oct I 1 11 I 1 |