Show ahr Tri ith 9 god choice choles the weak thine age of thil this world to confound the mighty jonah did not amount to much we are almost to coff scoff at hit his vacillation a and d dut but god those him barthea earthen vessels 1 hold god a riches rich not many mighty or great folk folks are called it they ever becom become great real it ii Is through their our child a hyma hymn never lobos loe its ta great letle drop drops ot of water 4 little grains balna of aa and n d t make the a ocean and the pleasant land when men I 1 am weak then am arn I 1 strong cried the great st paul for god can only uie use se lie he must fill 1111 the th worker with the wisest and bt beat workman li Is he who calla calls to god use me and make me strong with thy strength no mat ter what you are ti ii ough weak and ig if I 1 borant you can give ire yourself to gods service 1 and lie its can make you mighty floyd W tompkins Toi apkin |