Show PANIC IN NEW YORK leoy money rouged as as iwo iota pr F r tot at elks 14 aft lillar lil lir new now loric att UC dee 20 0 laule atlon developed develop eft oa on the new I 1 ork stock lk exchange till this afternoon with the lin in operative pera lve tive need of 0 money developed by the violent in flu stock stocks were being thrown over aith out the regard to the 1 hoe they won d 1 I brieg anil anti at distressing sacrifices of values no en on I 1 to t U 4 helplessness of the situation brest lett in hight kight nhen in tile last list half bill hour of tile market SOUK some tl aa v as of fared on the tile hock stock exchange by thal ali cone conorte arte I 1 action of the clearing houi bank to faree the rate arbitrarily dawn to 0 6 per cent without regard to the tile distracted bidding at higher rate rates illets 1 na As being dono by other broker brokers for eittrem ati opra opi tora the collapse in III the money rato rate checked the decline and anti drove the bear bears to corer the rhe recoveries pr produced by their urgent bidding were almont aa I 1 olit as a the tile declines deell nea estat libed the losses were by no means tn cla I 1 arge offerings ol 01 stocks continued at the rally and a at bome me point points of the tile list price broke mo anen anew before the tho 04 ii e making tho ilia 1 exceedingly and va fettled gett led cd before tile concerted relief by tb the a clearing house bank banks tile money rato rate leaped to 20 50 70 0 IW and accor accord dlug luff to the record 13 1 per cent alred red ible report reports assert that ita 11 per cent as paid for money during the tile day the off iclal record of atch ich it I 1 tion we was lot lost in the excitement an idea of the severity of the losses aia may be gaguen from a few lion ChuVA merican fell an extreme 21 metropolitan ao alco plea pie a ga gas t 14 sugar 1234 1 continental tobacco I 1 ali tennice coal 17 manhattan ft 9 aud and leather preferred 9 dij all in the tile list of industrial in the railroad list uch such block stocks ni as north orth wet west new I 1 ork cintrat Cint ral great northern orl hera preferred aho le Island Sou them thern pacific the ilia juniou pacific pacifica tho the northern hor thern I 1 fles atchison p preferred elerree and in fact tie IT e roost most prominent and sc active tire railroad stocks in the tile whole list khoii cd losses all the way from four to nine points after the close of the exchange there wasa was a meeting of the clearinghouse clearing house comm committee attee to concert further measures for safety and relief an leue ol 01 clearing bouse louse certificates wae was discus bed sed but the bank presidents Ls decided that that would not be advisable at A meeting nic eting of the clearing bouse house committie tte MB as ballel for eleven clock tomorrow with a view of being prepared for action la in case of 0 further necessity |