Show it 4 4 ta 4 f tt f f t 4 4 CHRISTMAS II 11 II 11 THOUGHTS T HOUGH S 11 4 t t 1 t 4 PRICE TRADING COMPANY welcome you to the scene of unparalleled t splendor which this great value giving es 1 t has provided for its patrons at t an exhibition of christmas merchandise cm em bracing every appropriate novelty and staple t t ta article that could be gathered from the great 11 t distributing markets of the country such a tt display as no other house in utah outside of salt lake lak city has ever equaled and no other eastern utah firm has even ever attempted magnificent and comprehensive as have A ate A A been our displays in past years they are T t excelled this season to a degree almost 1 4 beyond belief early attention and pains t 11 taking care has resulted in the massing i in i n 11 11 our store of superb stocks of ft 6 t 11 useful ornamental 1 and jl inexpensive lumur 4 4 4 ARTICLES appropriate H TO THE HOLIDAY SEASON U t 6 t 11 holiday glow is everywhere about our T Z t i big store in bewildering array everything 11 11 that an ingenious world has conjured for I 1 11 f I 1 1 human pleasure and satisfaction in these 11 t t 4 f closing days of 1899 is here the useful 11 4 t the good the novel the interesting ALL t 9 ARE HERE for mothers and fathers t 4 II 11 sisters brothers A aunts ants un uncles les cousins I 1 11 11 sons daughters and friends sweethearts t and the other fellow s sister just a f few n w H 4 J days D ao vi S more M r 11 4 christmas is but a few days off and t 1 t while our st stock ock is big we advise intending in 9 t purchasers to come early before the lines t 44 t are broken for the goods are moving fast hojeda t Hoj holiday ida y articles are are displayed with a view t of quick and ea early aly choosing 4 P PRICE 41 TRADING COMPANY 4 t 4 4 t denver and salt lake city merchants 11 are our only competitors 4 A A 4 Y A nain 1 your beet best feeldie feeL ngi Dge your axial poel post tion or business acca success depends largely on the perfect action of your stomach and liver dr kinge kings new now life pills gire give increased ed strength a keen clear brain high a ambition A 25 box will make you feel like new mew being bold by price COINS HEW BOOK the latest and greatest rea work by the author of the famous I 1 coin coins financial school entitled coin coln on money trusts and imperialism 11 now read ready the price ot of this bock ilk ie is 25 23 cent mats per copy und it can be had only of the rocky mountain news olo sole agent for this purt of the country con in order to facilitate ita its wide distribution the newa news makee makes the following lol lowing liberal offer offers the dally daily and sunday newa three months 1 cu VU and one copy ot of join on bonet trusts ani and imperialism 25 cents postage prepaid pre paid both for only the weekly new news one olie year III I 1 00 J and n d one copy ota of I 1 cola coin oa on money knits tm st and d imperialism Imperia liam C ca 15 cents postage pre paid both for only alvo it yon you are already a subscriber to el either ther edition ot of the new news you can re new your subscription fr three month or one year as the case may be and take advantage adran tage ot of this offer cash to accompany all orders address the rocky mountain ew denver colo george call Calf callaway away way la is ia in salt baft lake city oty and when the reportorial pump w wa applied the other day he bad had this to lay say providence Provi deace ha has jait jast blessed as us with seven inches ot of mow I 1 chis his insures as good desert feed foed tor for stock the coming winter and toc kmen are jubilant over the prospect the stock industry has thriven the past season and has brought considerable money into price the abea the general commercial interests inte reata ot of the town are doing remarkably well bluch I 1 contributed from fort chesno and the he rio grande western gives us a great deal to do that road ia Is doing an immense business bail nees th tbt opening of abo th coal diu at sunny side it i helping price output 0 of be the mines being behil already from one to tn tm t n cara cars per day A dozen of tho the new aro are up and by next lummer the minee mines willbern will bein be in I 1 full blit blast ettery county li Is completely mon hut off for the present from communication with carbon conaty on account of the la in emery nichoa a egan have put in a fine roller top desk sent them thera as a chrin mas present by Loui louisville eville ky wholesale firm 16 T t jf 4 MIS glue 4 read them A ourt to you affer andt for your t call at euln 4 V cash trade store forcash coupons C theeo these beautiful works of art enlarged from your ow own it photographs do not coat cost a cent we give cash coupons every purchase haec when you have MOO in these brine ua tie any ny photo graph and wo we will furnish furn leli you a ilfe eie ale fosth av e ay 4 the most up to date portrait on the market they ore tire mado made for ue us and by tir the Arric american rican copying co which la Is a euh dent clent of their quality and art artistic latic worth dr bainor ina youra photographs call at our store and examine our eam examples ples wo 0 can cm convince you that it IP IV the portrait offer ever made au do nut not fail fall to ask for our motto hotto Ber berlee lea of compone cou pone civo alve our photo to our canvasser elm erg ob tuntg mercantile oo 00 aw z A 6 01 W carry a aa 0 of jda n der t we own and occupy the tallest mercantile building in the horld we have over 9 beace customers alan hundred clerks are const nAtly I 1 filling out of town orders OUR CATALOGUE Is the book afta deop it quotes whet prices to everybody has over t pages SO oce and aas t f articles with prices it costs 72 cents to print and mail each copy sand to show your good faith and we it send you a copy with all charges prepa montgomery WAS A GO Michi pst aye CHICAGO sad madison treat DRUG GO COMPANY 1 E R HEPBURN MANAGER MANAG ER Is now open and ready for business with a fine fideline Fi line of fresh new and choice D drugge H U T S rr C I 1 I 1 el articles altic aw t full stock of everything that is carried anywhere price me and vernal stage and express line uwe FABB FARE BETWEEN FT duchesne Nl AND IK IN BOTH directions price to vt ft ducheine Duc bene heene one war 00 round trip tit 00 price to vernl vernal one oue wr way round trip tin 00 ficeto 1 station alt zill the line 1 m lie of baggage always free ofel of chaffe karre dipre baggage rate ai ceno per p pound UA to t pound to 00 oo fl to 11 pound IS 20 IS ar pound per ads pound and over rr er pound green loreen ewt kate price to ri Duclie duchene iu chene sno a and sid berul leaves price daily too a clock a m arrives 1 at fort duchesne 11 00 a clock aj aa a arrovo at N ibi AW tup P m leare baves N ernal 1 a m marrlee marr abrites lVe rt Du abeene lf 12 W 0 clock price 6 5 00 me e clock p in B R mcdonald DONALD Wc AGENT price utah S N MOn IRIS 4 x MATT THOMAS CO 00 4 4 FINE OLD WHISKIES S t eastern beers the best bes t brands of 11 wines cigars ales porter etc fc r SEY BILLI FLOYD of huntington Huntin gloD is 13 do hind tac bar at rooneys 1 3 f HELPER UTAH f 1 4 it 44 j I 1 A 2 i will be found the best in town to drink and j amot pin 0 ai fine old kentucky whiskies eastern and 1 salt allty beers bottled good in fact e c grything ery thing desirable in the aw refreshment line W t plenty of time while flie stople stops get a good bottle for Y your d u T trip arp 1 J M MILLER dealer la in and breeder of sheep dipping pens in connection best utah COLTON UTAH correspondence solicited and given wren the meet most prompt attention lon MILLERS RESORT Is the popular 10 for stockmen Stoc kmen nen and the beneral 11 publeo P U b 1 1 e who wot the bet dt of I 1 ina old Wh h 1 Ihle k i nod clr anti nl reuben G miller v WOO and BREEDER A merino and lincoln sheep ati CATTLE and 4 i PRICE UTAH UTA the county commissioner cit riest gla avin ou on the ot of Dc embr |