Show A COOL coot avike I 1 in 1833 the authorities of lillo lille were informed of the disappearance I 1 I 1 of a woman aimed n clootz married 1 to r belgian the tile went to the house of the latter whom thea the found seated on oil nn all old trunk of small dimensions calmly ing his pipe they demanded dum of him abere 1 his ills life title aas 1 46 bishes not 1101 fai fat of that 0 sure eiroa he lie te she site was in tle the trunk where ho lie had placed plated her after having e killed her in u i fit of antt at the court of abazid abs ils e eN pi that he if ul id lan ihli thle U to uck ack tilt rol viiu ill such small sp since spice ice 1 oh tu tile rf bild lild I 1 d atje ill 01 a ol ib it there w wt i al 01 1 I IK ILS to ta alkil I ivis WIMA to laid abor I 1 foi life on A pul 2 1842 u curious 0 had in anniti niti the court 3 nul ill 0 tu tho mt bb b ILI I LI ies fUi als lit t Oil tm tin tilt Pr citter tinor du lit llio aitio A f plit polite t r jol 11 a nid and ff 4 x S J 4 rs L A 1 geu darms had it made n decent upon tho lie bagaco shed filled belonging to that establishment whilo tho the procurer ilu flit illo 1110 was looking oci 0 at thu tho register of departure ures n certain donard alho aiu kop lu in tho tile etue III it la tho life hotel do tic IBur ope approached and all catching eight sight of im trunk lying oil the ficor said tant e it toy cy broke the lock of odthe tho trunk it contained A roll of bagging this ins as unfolded aud the tile pem oled two human leg detached from a mutilated body placed beneath these body frag ments tho the r was examined find one of those present exclaimed it la Is indeed our concierge nt at the batik our acor tile latter had gono gone to intiso collections on the tilt morning of tile pray ions long day tho the bank batik police biero cm amazed at no not seeing bilm return in the theo evening alie enado in inquiries quirica and learned that kept COTI com piny with inah duala of doubtful among others a certain Non dontely tely life agent ol 01 nil insurance ranco comp coin piny iny of saint un lac it was tills till dontely who had lind lured into it chamber of the to tel do whore where ho lie hid cut ills in lit order to get of his ills ii wallet allot ant anch and then lari tuned ed up ill tile corpse of his lits i victim to pack it in ili a trunk dhu h ho lie had afterwards had lind carried to tile Messa geries to be transported to toulouse dontely Non tely his ills crime tile rei Lords state that ho lie under tinder went capital punishment with tho the rc re pon contance tance the courage tile resignation ignation of a christian A tilt MC NIC THAT 1 some a 3 earls later the tile employees ces of the railia railway depot at tit eli near noticed that a trunk to be tailed called for b in ac ar unknot 11 fc fe malo ler had the appearance of sweating red as tho tile police s it was opened it contained the torso and the licad head of a woman chobe legs ii were ere picked up ill sonic daa s af tern ards on oil the banks of tile canni dc tic la in at the rhine A IAL singular sin gulai about this affair was tras thit the eddit of the murdered woman was established lis lied A hotel keeper bj the namo of at house glio bad had hodg r i cd ad and who was accused ace iced of hiving killed her benefited b bj this mastery after a sens wall fertile in twists and turns the court of assizes of the tile athin quitted puit ted him as well as 05 ilis his wife and two of liis his servants ser vints ilia his three presumed accomplices A trunk also pealed an all important role in the assassination in paris of the merchant of bronzes dc jck fant fontaine alne by hia ills sen ant vinn to conclude Lon clade people cole not for or gotten tho tile of tile hue tile dit dut ruhh li sent and bierc 11 irre to the irold trunk had beti prop prep ned if oil bj 11 these to wretches to iucci 0 tile boda 0 or r the tile milk n ill vir G hd lit t 1 alic tit eld lid tit agis nito rate had hall completely ta I 1 in ill ie out olit illde lo 10 und fuld bilili 4 I 1 I 1 iti L rd ed ins ili h ua tt 11 p that amud pa rand lind it id li 6 sim I 1 in vy 1013 followed in lit the footstep footsteps of M 4 other mut dereis T V |