Show LN 1 aney man a snort of taking the census it is but a matter of a single day over there m and d there ie is no chanco chance given for a booming city to antl ite its returns or to protest that a short count has ban been made TUB now univ orual lfting language esperanto 11 has mado made great progress esperanto text tout textbooks books book daiv boon been printed in fourteen four toen languages this is to tho the rival of and now claims to bo be tho the coming language lang ungo to bo be used when tho the world ie to bound together in ono one tod federation oration IT would not be a acal idea to engraft t a aleco of french law upon aaion law laws of america A ratio tobacconist who had perhaps been in amari america cat advertised a cigar to bo be ahe attha boat best in n tho the world for 5 cents 11 me was arrested tidied to provo it tho the beat and as fined tao tor for malicious intention to deceive are ro spots in the south whom the colored race so afar as id numbers are concerned ned himo it all their own way thoro there wee are whites to 03 colored people in inflow etow orleans in some of the sp searsey arsey settled counties in tho the interior of the state tho the colored people outnumber the whites fifteen to one PUCK ail the etow yorker whose whoso corpse w wis ww w cremated and whoso ashes were to tho the winde winds of of lf heaven from the summit of tho the statue of liberty hae has act an example which is likely to loaa leau to maily oiher accent rio dispositions of the remains of tho the subjects of cremation it ie Is hie his unique request undoubtedly that led a man at louisville to direct that ids his body bo be cremated and hie bb thrown into tho ohio vito river or the peoples who so go to U mako up the ahe great american nation none mono havo have been more than the jews they ha hao hae e c amo me bere hem and developed into active making the most of their under a freo free government and the reason that they have made aeb such progress is that they bavo have endeavored to develop themselves in the way of becoming true american citizens rather than building up a separate ee caste cage in other words they havo have aimed M becoming jewish american rather than american jowe jews TUE congressional record Is a fraud and a falso false pretense ense it is not what it purports to be and what it t was origin ally intended to be bo a record of things eald said and done on tho the floor of the senate and house during sessions not only do members deviso the reports of their sp speeches beches altet altering ing according to their wish and frequently chang changing kirg them materially but they are in the habit of six ax tending their cemarka in tho the ro cold by adding toa aa few words spoken spoke a in debate a great mass of that nobody with power to save himself would listen to THE socialistic community established by tolson Tol sol fol tho russian novelist in charkoff Char kofT bos has gone to pieces because of the jealousies and incessant quarrels of its members in this particular the fato fate of Tolstoi ism does not diner differ m materially teri ally from that which has overtaken nearly every si similar millar enterprise that was ever undertaken the only people who manage to conduct their affairs on the socialistic plan with success aro are the shakers all others who have attempted to put tho the theorice theories of eo SO challem to n practical teat test have failed the IU trouble with all such social po letico economic reforms reform seem to bo be that they aro are only adapted to ideal human nature tait cittee of new york and brooklyn contain about one half of the entire number of registered insane persons in the state of new york by the last annual report of the state commission on lunacy it t appears that while the actual increase in creaso in pop population ton in these two cities has been enormous the reported increase of the insane has ro at between and a 3 car thus jh oring hat that in cheso cities at least lewt there thero has been a relative df d camue of insanity doubtless it wod DO oc found on investigation that the same gratifying condition of things Is exists a humane bod intelligent policy in regard to tho the supervision and Lont control rol of lasane Is rightly CA W out |