Show terri territory tory of utah summons colin ty of emery ss 88 in UK tim justices court of huntington precinct Preci tILL 11 II C hason plaintiff plain liff vs john doc doe defendant to jolin john doe greeting 0 you ire are summoned to lie be alad appear before me the tile undersign M ed it at my oluse e in ili pic in emery count territory of utah nil and answer a complaint filed against by the aboe aboc named pi ill dutoff on the day of May blay 1891 S st id action is brought 0 to recoil er or from 3 ou oil the sum of 50 cents alleged to bal bf due him from non on foi damage dadaye done 13 tile following fol loning described animals to wit I 1 sorrel ball faced mare left front foot and both hind feet maite up tip to knees brand branded ce 0 roon r o oon on I 1 tabt jaw JH on left shoulder JT on oil right eli shoulder oue one pinto colt bra branded JT ou on right ab shoulder if jou ou fail to so appear und and an nil awer tile ill take judgement jud 0 gement 3 ou for the of 50 fum Lil ti other with feu bill and cosa to the sheriff or any constable of nul full count of emera emer greeting 0 make legal leml c aenice and clue due ciuni 1 hel loof i 4 under my hand band tins this daa da of 1891 CHRIS clinis justice ot of the peace |