Show CAME INA NATURA Ii WAY FAMILY NAMES ARE THE RE SULT OF EVOLUTION Q n nine times of ten ton plans urIel ked illia aritt lita cogno men tuen by isiach iris off spring li Is how known thoo 1100 tho o 0 bato no hereditary eurn surn amoe alnes in england before tho the time of tho the norman conquest it ie Is truo true that eurn amea are glon in hook book but those more for tho the most part official and professional nl and were not transmitted as family names As early us tho tw tu elath century it wan was thought ce es for persons of rank to boar a surname eur namo and gradually gr tho the use ox oz through all tho lower classes not however until tho the reign of edward I 1 11 I 1 in tho the fo cantu century y was tho the uee enforced bi bl on tin not act of parliament consequently tho the tracing of P beyond the thirteenth or fourteenth century 1 Is difficult if it not amno tho the origin 01 I 1 in of family namoa is 1 widely diffor diffort dit rit and bot ot upon examination iho the dlf frence is not eo so great na as appears i the surface perhaps the most bom nion mon o ig n ij that of ton bon to a christian christ lan n eruct tho of which la is at once obvious ob lous showing show ing abut when tho the name A as drat fint used ne as a family numo namo tho the father was john thomas or wl IVI ilam as the caso case might bo be wo find this simo custom among tho the othor other notion nation tho the russia terminal h tho the saxon prefix ing tho the jewish ben iho the bolah ap tho the irish mac mite tho the pole eki ski nil all signify son whilo hilo tho the irish 0 grand lon the aradas furnish many surnames eurn araos smith mith taking tho the lead although tho the the old english rhyme runs run bat but whence hence cona smith all au bo be ho he knight or 0 r squire but nut froin from the smith that forges at the fire it la Is not quite truo for tho the word originally applied to any ono one who emoto emote aud included carpentry masons and others names derived from occupation cu usually end in or er potter painter loramer a 0 nikor of bite bits for bridles and spurs saltor tho man who looka looks after the salt spiller a maker of spindles or lathes tho the termination mi nation ster usually denotes a wo mans webster la is tho the feml fe nino of brewster Brow ster of drower brower dexter was a woman who worked bythena by tho theda daa man kanj english surnames were formed from words compounded of two or inore anglo saxon words the termination ham signifies homo home or place Burn hurn is tho the place of a burn or brook buckingham Is a place suitable for broches bce bc ches oches or a place for soaking cloth in ia lyo lye from the shea of the bych boch bo ch ton was at drat first an inclosure later it was a village or a town leighton la Is a level town 1111 ton a bill hill town I 1 clay clayton ton and newton are obvious norton i is tho the north town as sutton tho the south milton Is tho the village vil lra where the mill Is situated kempton the camp town or sold soldiers lees village ly indicates a field stanley or orS tonly a strong field ashloc a field fm faor ablo for ash trees oakly for avils cowley a afield for cows by or bl bt is danish aad and implies a habitation byford la is a home ot the ford byfield a homo home in the meadow knapp la is tho top of a hill while whilo knowlen Is derived from knoll coimo is a meadow surrounded with water the natural tendency to pluralize plura lizo names gives the bolmes in a simi lar way we ao aiu clawes from haugh a green plot in a valley goro ia is a word used in tho the old records to describe a narrow elip slip of ground shaw la Is some timos the terminal in a compound word as henshaw grimshaw it signifies a small wood or copse the word Is not uncommon in old english poetry in somer when rhen the be eleyne and levee loves be large and long hit ie Is fulle merry ia feyre orest forest to hear the foules sons godfrey Is gods peace godwin and goodwin friend of god halli wellis well Is holywell holy well willal w halladay Halll liday day is holy day and holyoke Hol yoko holy oak doggett Is probably the same as the anglo saxon bogod which is 6 dorher darl ed from a noun signifying virtue the termination ward means keeper ha ila ward Is the keeper of cattle woodward a protector of the vorest milward kooper of the mul mill cross was nut derived from a man mans s disposition it indicates one who lived near a market cross or cross roads stone wac originally given to some one who resided near a or other ro remarkable stone peter likewise moans stone being derived j from greek reek allied to peter or peters which Is tho the usual form of the surname we pierce pierson and other names whose moaning meaning at once becomes obvious koche roche Is rock coming from latin tilro agh french liar ilar moans army narbert famous army harman man 0 ot thi th tl i army an army for I 1 war wooly comes from the anglo saxon Wulf heh and literally moans means a wolf on a high or elevated place i willard is from old Ge german will and bard hard will having the sense of resolution aid hwd meaning courageous or stron strong willey williams and willmot arc are of kindred origin tho churich has furnished a great variety of su nam og pope parson parsons vicar hop dean dan bancon con dark clark priest with the tho prefix mac mae come vickey mac Phe rAon while brict leads to priestley and others ol hea tho the baires of saints have been popular as st clair to sometimes changed to sinclair nir augustine Au custino ie ii sometimes contracted to austin benedict to bennet st maure becomes seymour tho the crusado crus adoo opened tho the way for palmer tho the pilgrim who visited tho the holy land and boro bore a branch of palm 1 ns as a token thereof it ie Is claimed wua tho the name given to some pa nim or who embraced tho christaan christ lan faith falth during tho the crusades cru eades eimu nimu li alexander al ie ii in sanders n md nid id San sanderson darson kills and billot can bo traced to allne ellne jonea jonelis is tho of john jennings Is derived from tho the same while linn son and llano Il ancock ock tiro tire nt at enco u been in the latin from johannes Joh annoe jenney cornea comes from a town near calan 11 the namo name of the family nall u wai al gnoy G ney tho the study of tho the of lan ian giago in any ot of ita brancio bran clo chai la Is ox ex fascinating says caroline K in tho the chicago herald orald II A world of thoughts its aa as of things is enrolled glimpses of human and inhuman lifo aro are eoon soon and st orleto aro told that rodal a wealth of history whilo while it is truo true that written records bavo have a abo alao arly their own tho the testimony of unwritten ton history as found in worde words more words is scar ocly lose valuable alu ablo |