Show wr warf N jr rf TOO GOOD TO KEEP A clerc who had malls too useful 01 for IM III employer it unit often that a mans mane manegold rd god itic bring him trouble but if it the fol lowing told by a commercial man J L truo as are moitt all stories told by commercial men oven even tho the upright and conscientious aro are sometimes unfortunate 1 4 I hao a cus customer tomor in the grocery business in a little town in tho the southern part of the state mid said tho the trade tourist tou riet who is a very peculiar man I 1 never realized l how peculiar ho he la Is until my lost wt trip thoro them over a car ar ugo ago he hired a young man to work tor him ho ana an industrious energetic onore otic country boy and went in to win ho waa was not afraid to work and boon soon mado himself invaluable to tho the grocer ho ile could write nicoly and koop keep books and in fact do tho ito whole business of tho the storo tho the grocer wae was concerning hie me dork clork and always used to toll mo me what a very valuable boy bo he was on ray my return trip thoro there I 1 found tho the boy was cone I 1 made inquiry concerning him when whon tho the grocer sadly remarked romar kod yos I 1 had to part with him you soo it waa was liko like this when he first came I 1 paid him bardl hardly annj an thief for hie his arv or leee lees but ho he was so haudy about keeping everything in order about tho the etore store that I 1 olinta ily raised hie his wages in a short time then ho be went to too waiting on customers and wae was so v ery pleasant and obliging and made so many friend friends thit I 1 gave him another raise in wages later on I 1 found out ho he could keep books and as I 1 am a poor bookkeeper and my book books were in bad shape I 1 put him at them and in a short timo time ho he had them all straightened out in flao fine shape and everything in them was clear aa as day then ulion I 1 gave him another raise in salary without giving him a chanco chance to ask for it well then bayou aa you know I 1 lathim lot him do the buying for tho the store and I 1 found ho he could beat mo me all to pieces at it know just what and bow how much and when to buy overy everything thing I 1 needed in my tny bust busi neis but I 1 had raised his wagon until I 1 raise ralso them any higher and although I 1 know he was worth more money than I 1 was giving him I 1 pay it and so when ho he found you could not raise his wages again ho he quit did ho he asked I 1 oh no ho he quit ho ile bogged begged of me to let him stay said ho he was already getting all tho the wages hia his services were worth but I 1 know better ana so I 1 discharged him poor boy ho he has gono gone back to tho the farm to work again while I 1 am ban trying to do the best beat I 1 can to get along without him it was a sad blow to both of ue but im too we conscientious to ask a man to work for me for less than his services ore are worth |